Thanks to Saar and others

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Darrell, Mar 20, 2001.

  1. Darrell

    Darrell Guest

    My post about my Amex Blue approval earlier today rotated off the board.

    I wanted to make sure I properly thanked those who posted congratulations.

    I also wanted to thank Saar for his input. It feels good to have a revolving card with
    no annual fee, a 10.99 percent interest rate and a decent line.

    FYI, I had trouble signing up for Amex's online site and had to call four times to
    get help. Each CSR was helpful, polite and professional. They actually thanked ME
    for calling.

    It's been a good day for ol' Darrell, a man whose life has been greatly improved
    because of the fine people who have inhabited this board in the past couple of years.
  2. Saar

    Saar Banned


    I'm glad it went so smoothly! You now hold one of the world's best cards. Be sure to enroll in BlueLoot before you make your first purchase. It's all in their web site, and it pays to study all features of the card.

    As I had advised Aux, Call Amex during the first 30 days, ask to speak w/ the New Accounts Dept., then ask for a re-evaluation of your credit line. Many times this would increase your credit line within 24 hours.

    The card is INTEREST FREE for 6 months! An excellent benefit. 10.9% afterwards. You can then get it lowered to 9.9% the same way I did. Blue is not a card, it's a lifestyle:


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