I pulled hubbys TU report couple of days ago: 5 collections, 4 PAID, 1 PAID chargeoff. score 480 I pulled CE (1st time for him he had a fraud alert he just removed) Score 629 100% available credit 1 PIF car pmt 5x's 30 days late (ex wifes) 1 PAID chargeoff (CO 7/01) 1PAID utility collection (CA 2/99) 1 overdraft opened 4/98 never late $0 balance GULF STATE CREDIT????? transferred POSITIVE RATING AVAILABLE CREDIT $5646!!!! Ok so someone help me with the math, even IF GSC was "available credit", his total would only be 5646+500=$6146. CE says his available credit is $15K????? Now I KNOW GSC is a repo'd car, but it's a big long messy story, A sold to B who sold to C who sold to GSC, A,B, and C removed GSC updated to positive (hell I'm not gonna fight it) it says balance $0. I know this post probably had absolutely NO meaning, but I'm beginning to believ LBrown's conspiricy theory...SHOOT ME!!! KHM BTW EQF still has a fraud alert so we can't get that yet.