The 5th CRA!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by seraph23, Apr 4, 2005.

  1. seraph23

    seraph23 Active Member

    Was denied a CC with Elan....

    CRA pulled :

    CSC Credit Services
    PO Box 981221
    El Paso TX 79998-1221
    Phone: 800-392-7816

    you can order your report online-(to be mailed)

  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    They are affiliated with Equifax.
  3. seraph23

    seraph23 Active Member

    yup just found that out...

    Great so the get the info from EQ?

    But I have to dispute with them?

  4. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Dispute with CSC Services
    they are the local affiliate of EQ
  5. jane05

    jane05 Member

    Do they get all their information from Equifax? Do they keep their own file's on you? How come we can't get a free annual report from this CRA and in fact all CRA big and small once a year?

    Or did FACTA only apply to the big 3?


  6. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: The 5th CRA!

    The are the local affiliate of EQ...they exchange info to/from EQ

    They are a subsidiary of EQ...from their website:
    "In 1982, CSC launched a strategic acquisitions program to dramatically widen our presence in the credit services industry, acquiring more than a dozen credit bureaus over six years and combining databases with Equifax Inc. to create the largest national credit file in the United States.
    Why couldn't you get the free reports from any of them?...ANY CRA must supply one free copy of a consumer's credit report per year

    It applies to ANY CRA
  7. jane05

    jane05 Member

    Re: Re: Re: The 5th CRA!

    Ok thanks for this info. So just to make sure I correctly understand what you are saying. You are telling me that I can request my free annual credit report from any and all CRA's no matter how big or small they are?

    What if they aren't up to speed with FACTA and refuse me my free copy unless I'v been denied credit using their report? What would I quote them so they understand that whether or not I am denied credit based on their report of me I am entitled to my free credit report from them?

    Thank you,

  8. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: The 5th CRA!

    Here is a site with an analysis of the FACTA requirements

    *Note: The free annual report requirement is being "phased in" gradually this year...depending upon the area of the country you live in you may already be eligible for a free report. If, however, you live in the Northeast, you are not eligible to receive a report until Fall, 2005
  9. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: The 5th CRA!

    Sometimes consumers disputing with EQ have been referred to CSC.

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