The Blind Leading The Blind.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whitenight, Jan 21, 2003.

  1. oz

    oz Well-Known Member

    Pix is smart enough to know that the other two are a joke and refuse to allow any packets to them

    Why won't my Pix firewall let me segment traffic via VPN to different subnet's with my Sonicwall on the front end while doing RADIUS authentication on the inside.... via IAS
  2. oz

    oz Well-Known Member

    Pix is smart enough to know that the other two are a joke and will refuse to allow any packets to them.

    Why won't my Pix firewall let me segment traffic via VPN to different subnet's with my Sonicwall on the front end while doing RADIUS authentication on the inside.... via IAS
  3. kgrant64

    kgrant64 Well-Known Member

    I think that a majority of the people won't give advise. I think that these people merely offer their views. After all "Opinions are like...(you know the rest)!"
  4. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Wow!I've been quoted! I think that's a first...

    I'd like to thank the Academy and all the little trolls I stepped on along the way... ;)
  5. jond911

    jond911 Well-Known Member

    Glad you see the humor in that Oz.....

    At least someone know's where I'm coming from in regards to this particular thread...

  6. oz

    oz Well-Known Member

    I think that a majority of the people won't give advise. I think that these people merely offer their views. After all "Opinions are like...(you know the rest)!"

    Well look at it this way anything is legal until you take then to court and a judge decree's it was an illegal action .
    The legal sytem is all based on OPINIONS of the law.
    Credit repair is one of the few not steadfast deals out there.. What works for you many not work for me.

    So opinions on how to do things make a difference.
    If everyone use the same boilerplate letters day in and day out nothing would be resolved.

    If everyone stayed with the facts we would all be brain-numb from reading the law.

    So it becomes our opinion of the law versus the CRA's opinion. heh

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