I am new at this so can someone answer as many of my questions as possible? First I want to know are there other companies that will give 1-10k in credit that charge no start up cost that also report? Has anyone out there ever used these credit alert companies to know if they report? You have to still put up money when you get a secured card anyway.....Has anyone used only these companies and got a good credit score from them? Do you have to use them before they report or do they report high credit as soon as you pay the start up fee? I wonder how high would someones score be if they had four lines with these types of companies? I need to know of more companies that give merchandise tradelines.I would like to have at least 30-40k in credit this way....!
************************************** 1) are you speaking in terms of secured credit only? 2) what credit alert company ? 3) scores are given by the CRA only not the creditor scores have many factors such as length the acct was opened the balance to CL ratio, types of different accts, # of inquiries etc.
There is a reason that these company's are in the Credit Alert section. In most cases, they don't provide anything for the upfront money which the consumer provides, or they have enough other scams to rip most customers off.