the credit card companies hate me

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ohnostuck, Nov 11, 2001.

  1. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I really am getting agravated. I can not not get a card from ANYONE and my scores are not as low as some of you. My lowest is 598 and highest is now 638. The repo is falling off next month. How will that imrove my score? Or will it at all?

    Here is a quick look at my report...

    Repo 12/94 paid 0 balance

    phone 529 last activity 12/96 (fighting)

    hcs 529 (phone)

    another agency 539 (from same phone again too)

    2 30 day late mortgages in last 34 months (really late)

    fidelity 400 limit 0 balance pays as agreed never late

    fidelity 400 0 balance lost or stolen card (not the case they sent 2 I asked for one, trying to fix)

    jewlers 300 limit o balnce closed by grantor

    Up to 4 inquires on each report (2 with 2 and 1 with 4)

    Note: Some CR don't have all these accounts on them, just a break down of all my accounts.
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    The problem, in my opinion, is not the scores, it is the number of negatives. You have approximately 8 negatives. That is enough to get anybody denied for any credit. Sure not every one is on every report, but I'll bet you probably have 5 - 6 negs. on each report. In my opinion, you should stop applying now as you are very unlikely to be approved. Concentrate on getting rid of those negatives. I think you'll find that once you cut those negs in half, your approval rate will increase.
  3. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Well, ummmm, sorry, I wouldn't loan you unsecured money, either, after seeing that. No offense intended. You need to work on your report some more. Wait for the repo to come off, and get the dupes off. I suggest you stop applying for a while, the inquiries aren't helping.

    The score isn't everything. There are people on here with scores lower than mine who are getting cards I can't get yet.

    Be patient and persistent, you can get there.

    I'm not trying to make you feel bad, just trying to get you to see what that looks like to potential creditors. And this is a bad time to be trying to get credit with dings all over your report - all CCC's are looking at much higher than normal defaults because of the downturn in the economy, so companies that would have given you a card this time last year will not do it now.
  4. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

  5. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Repo 12/94 paid 0 balance

    phone 529 last activity 12/96 (fighting)

    hcs 529 (phone)

    another agency 539 (from same phone again too)

    2 30 day late mortgages in last 34 months (really late)

    I dont get it say 8 negatives REALLY there are only the late mortgages, the phone bill and the repo falling off. Is that really that bad? I have seen others with much worse post on the board and they have several cards
  6. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    They got them before the economy really went down the tubes.
  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    From what I have learned on this board, lates on a mortgage and a repo are probably 2 of the worst types of derogs you can have. Yes, your negs. are not as many as is indicated on your report, however any prospective lender is not going to know that these are all the same. Do yourself a favor, and get rid of some of those negatives before applying any more. And don't forget that each inquiry knocks points off your score. Lenders also don't like to see a lot of inquiries in the past 6 months and you already have 4. Really, for your own good cool it on the apps. for awhile.

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