Hi all, For those trying to better their account terms, here are some useful numbers, direct to retention: Citibank (which I got from a Citi CSR today) 1-800-444-2306 ____________________________ And from earlier posts... AmEx MCS (RETENTION) 1-877-286-5891 (from Saar) BofA 1-800-858-0561 (from Ron) Cap One 1-800-889-9939 (from Marie) Providian 1-800-215-7318 (from Marie) FYI,
Citibank (which I got from a Citi CSR today) 1-800-444-2306 JD Martin Company? Is that their retention department?
ng, You're right! I didn't think to call back today to check. I took the gentleman at his word. I'm on the phone with Citibank right now to get the right number. arrgghhh.... The new rep won't give it to me. He says he doesn't know it, as they NEVER give that number out except for very unusual circumstances. Oh well... I'm back to square one with the Citibank number. I will have to call retention next week and speak with the first rep, so I will get the correct number from him (if I can). All the other CC numbers that I posted above work for retention. I've used them successfully (excepting AmEx) and have gotten great bonuses to my accounts through retention. Sorry for the mix up, guys,
Marci Thanks for trying I am the only one w/ no balance transfer offers Even George got an offer. I think he may have to pass the Rodney title to me. Can't get past CS to retention dept. Lost TU Pts No Respect on homefront tonight either
ng, As I promised, I got the correct number yesterday (I tested it and it takes you straight there). 1-800-444-2568 I used it for my mom last night - who's accounts do not "qualify" for retention. I tried regular CS first - who said that they could not reduce her purchase apr or get any BT offers. I then called the above - and got her dropped from P+7.99 to P+3.99. And as far as no BT offers available, I got her a BT offer of 4.9% for 9 months with no fee. Certainly not their best - but way better than what she had. I hope it works for you.
Marci, that is one valuable piece of information. Thanks! What card type does your mom have? If it's the Plat Sel, call "R" every month until they take her to P+1.9% (Sam has a P+0.9%, but no one else was able to duplicate it ) Saar
You're welcome, Saar. I'm glad to be able to share it. I worked hard to get this number (it took three separate transfers to retention). My parents and I each have the Platinum Select cards. I qualified for retention. They did not. I know that Sam has the famed P+0.9% (amazing rate) and I will be sure to call them once a month on my parent's accounts, and mine wrt lowering the purchase aprs. It's weird. It seems that retention can (or will) do some things that regular CS cannot - and vice versa. Yesterday, retention helped my mother out, whereas regular CS wouldn't touch her. On the other hand, I just opened a new PS account (to get the 9 month 0% BT offer) with a "go to" of P+10.99. Yesterday, retention would not lower the "go to" at all, even though I pointed out that my previous card's apr was P+2.99. I hung up, then called regular CS, who took the new card to P+7.99 in one second. What gives???... Right now, my parents desperately need balance transfer aprs. My next step is to PFB Citibank and ask for a 0% 12 month fee free BT apr on each of their accounts.
Not to compare Citibank to Providian but I know that the Providian folks log every time you call no matter what the result. I was calling Providian "R" every month or so last year and finally they said I called too much and that I should wait four months before calling again. Have you found that the Citibank folks don't mind how often you speak to "R"? My accounts are four months old this month. I was going to wait six before I started in on them but maybe it would be okay to take a shot now.
Same with Citi ! However, if you convert one Citi card to another, it seems to have the effect of resetting the number of "R" calls shown on your file to zero. Saar
Retention's primary job is to retain people. With 0% APR for 9 months, they have excellent chances of keeping your business even if they decline your request for a lower "go to" APR. That's why you should always try ordinary CS reps first. Saar
Good point, Saar. I'm not in an acute rush, since I have plenty of time to get Citi to reduce the "go to". On my original card, I went from P+7.99 to P+2.99 in three months via regular customer service, so it will happen eventually.
OMG!!! I absolutely love each and everry one of you!!!!! I was at prime+9.9(?) 14.65%. Well I just called that wonderful number and told them that my Providian card offers a better rate (lie) of 9.9 and I may BT all of my citibank to them. So he upgraded my Gold AA to a Platinum Select and lowered my rate to prime+4.9(?) 9.65%!!!!!! Holy Christ my first PLATINUM!!!! Now here are my question(s): 1. I've had the account only since 12/01 and will be getting a new account # will this affect my "longevity" 2. Does the this card report a limit cause my CitiAA DOESN"T and it kills my ratios? I LOVE YOU ALL, can ya tell I'm excited!!!!
Marci, or anyone who has used the rentention number to Cap One (or even any other c.c.c.), do you call up and say you want to cancel your account, or do you just say you're looking for better terms on your exsisting account?
I NEVER say that I want to cancel an account unless I mean it. Ususally, I just call, and say "I like this account very much, I'd like to keep using it but the __________ is too high/too low for me right now. Is there any way at all that you give me ____________, so that I can continue to use it?". If they say no, then I politely say "thank you" and hang up without asking for the account to be closed. Other times, I just ask directly for what I want. I always know what I want when I call (i.e. BofA will give you 9.90 on purchases).
Can we get the #'s posted on top of the page the same as the credit definitions? I think that would serve everyone a little better. Charlie
i was told today by citi "R" that if you use your account you get better benefits and the best i can get right now on my virgin platinum select is 4% for 9 months. he's like dude you haven't used it, we score each card separately for history, so thats why you have a great rate and limit on one, and a crappy limit/rate on the other.
I agree. Normally one does not accomplish anything by threatening to cancel; And if you're asking for more than they're willing to give, they'd call your bluff. Saar