Citibank SD Credit Management (approves transaction requests over limit for AAdvantage World Members) 1-888-873-2349
Retention Numbers does anyone have the retention # for first premier? (for a friend) thanks for this thread! i called for my credit cards (chase and cap1) and reductions. providian told me that they would "make a note of my request".
PVN Retention # still works I know this is an old thread, but I would just like to thank Marci for the great info! Just called Providian retention number and it still works! Requested a CLI but I got the standard reply that c/s doesn't respond to customer requests for CLI. All c/s can do is request a review of my acct... Will find out next month on my statement if I got the CLI. Let's see what happens. MrX The battle continues...
PVN Retention # still works Update: 3 mths later and still no CLI from PVN... I've been carrying a balance (about 30-40% of my limit), so maybe that is the reason PVN is shining me on... Will call again today and request the CLI. If there is still no response, then I'll pay off the balance (as other CNetters have suggested) next month, and see if I get a CLI down the line... It sucks, but what else can I do? Mr.X
PVN Retention # still works PVN doesn't give CLIs anymore it seems. I have a $5k gold card from them, but haven't gotten squat in like over 2 years! 4 years of PERFECT history, never late, never over limit - you know the drill. They DID lower my APR and return the annual fee every year, and they sent me some checks for balance transfers with a really low APR, so I guess that's something. If it wasn't for the free TU FICO score on their site (which doesn't quite match the score I get from MyFICO???), I would have dumped them months ago. So we'll see...
The Chase # 1-800-345-8089 seems to have changed; it worked for me in the past but it just goes to a regular customer service menu now. Does anyone have the new number?
Re: PVN Retention # still works PVN attempts to give CLI's in lieu of paying law suits- I found that one out!!! (see my 'providian' thread for details)
Re: Cap One Executive Offices Just finished making my once-every-6-months call to Cap One Exec Offices (1-800-955-1455) to request better terms on my Platinum MC. I spoke with Mr. Charles Mitchell. Here are the results: CLI: none available (currently at about 11.5K) BT Specials: nada, nothing available Lower APR: YES! Lowered APR for purchases & cash advances to 6.9% from 7.9% Yeah, I know, it's kind of paltry and a waste of time, but you've gotta play the game if you want to win... and a little of something is better than nothing. Hope you are all doing fine today... Mr.X