Got my Citibank debit card in the mail llast week and $75 signup bonus for signing up for online banking. Today received a letter from Citibank informing me that my account is closed and the $75 bonus "no longer applies." "Loss Prevention" and "past performance" as the given reasons for closure. Citibank apoligized for any inconveinance. For the record, I am not on Check Systems. Citibank ran a TU and found my bk with their credit card included in 1997. When my bk clears, I may try again. A denial may indicate they won't ever forget. Sometimes, Life sucks.
You'd think that they would check that information out before extending you the invitation and actually sending you the card.
So true, Drmgrl6. You would think Citi is more professional. I was really happy, too, and thought I could reestablish a relationship with them. But not all is forgiven. It proves what others here say about the Citibank blacklist. They do check their own personal records.