The final week

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LKH, Jan 2, 2003.

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  1. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Symbiotic relationships

    Are you anywhere near as concerned with the credit providers "cheating" to keep scores low? And the effect of this on your score?

    If he isn't he needs to read the rule of 72 thread and wake up?

  2. radi8

    radi8 Well-Known Member

    Re: Symbiotic relationships

    If it's that big a deal, why waste time here with the "small fry"?
    Put your money where your mouth is.
    Go sue Lexington.
    Certainly their thousands of deletions have a greater effect on you than the handful here.

  3. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Re: Symbiotic relationships

    Greg, from the very first week I became a CreditNetter, I've read (and been a recipient of) your pathetic 'I'm telling...' behavior and disruptive challenges that seem to be your trademark. Your child-like whining teamed with your self-promoting attitude so evident in your 'I'm more ethical than you...' rantings, suggest that your statement above is a clear reflection of who you are.

    It's unfortunate that you don't use this board to actually help people, instead of constantly challenging them.
  4. Gillian

    Gillian Well-Known Member

    Re: Symbiotic relationships

  5. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Clarifications

    Fiction or just vivid imagination?
  6. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: Symbiotic relationships

    If there are 2 people in the system, and one has a score of 700, and the other has 699, and they are competing for the last crumb of bread on earth, and the scoring system is how they decide who gets it, but the guy with the 700 got that score by cheating, then the other guy's score-- in relation to the guy with the 700-- is affected.

    If there are 200 million people in the system, and 100 million have a scores of 700, and the other 100 million have 699s, and they are competing for the last 100 million crumbs of bread on earth, and the scoring system is how they decide who gets the crumbs, but the people with the the 700s got that score by cheating, then the other 100 million's scores-- in relation to the 100 million with the 700s-- are affected.
    While I'm not going to spend much time on such an outlandish comparision, I found this: "Nearly half of ex-smokers who receive heart transplants resume smoking at some point after their life-saving operation... "

    Nicotine is a physical addiction. And, you are approaching Godwin's law.
    No, thanks, I have other, more effective methods to influence the industry. What makes you think litigation is the only answer?

    It was only a couple of simple questions: Do you owe it? Does your credit file reflect your true credit history?

    Oh, boy. You think you've joined a club, and now you're a "Creditnetter."

    If you get an outfit, you can be a Creditnetter, too. That sounds like Mousketeers, or Dittoheads.

    When did I say, "I'm telling"? Please, be specific. When I told Quixote what the outcome of his trial would be (then it came true), but he didn't listen, wasn't that helping? When I told Gillian to send the signature, and she didn't, and then she did, then the outcome was as I predicted, wasn't that helping?

    (Just so I understand your perspective) cma, did you concoct a bogus credit history of payments on your file?

    And, folks, FYI, we have a history: cma likes to quote laws that don't exist-- and he sure doesn't like that pointed out to him.
  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Symbiotic relationships

    Wrong again. You think you know a lot more than you really do. Several people know Saar as "the G.R."

    Did it ever occur to you that with so many people offended by your behaviour, that mayb it is YOU that has problem rather than everybody else as you seem to think.

    By the way Greg, the "secret group" was created to get away from you. That's why you aren't invited to join. duh

  8. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Symbiotic relationships

    Mouhahahahahahahaha. Let me know when the offensive part comes, lol.
  9. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Symbiotic relationships

    You predicted that the Small Claims Commissioner would completely ignore the law, both state and federal? BTW, did you notice my later post that Macy's removed the inquiry I was disputing? I wonder why they did that if they were right all along...

    I know you were rooting for Macy's, but tell me, how does their getting away with flouting the law support your "complete accuracy" malarkey? I have come to the conclusion that you are only in favor of "complete accuracy according to the creditors".

    If I accepted that notion, I would have all sorts of incorrect information on my EX report from last March when they merged my report with someone else's. To my surprise, I suddenly had a new ex-wife, two new social security numbers, three new former employers, three new former residences, and was failing to pay child support to two different women (one of whom was not one of my new ex-wives). For the record, I've been married exactly once (13 years and counting) and have exactly one child. BUT, a whole bunch of creditors (including two municipal courts) were saying very bad stuff about me, so it MUST be true, right? WRONG!!! It was no more correct than Macy's saying I had applied for credit when I had not.

    If you were truly after what you say you are after, you should have been my very biggest supporter. Your actions gave, and still give, the lie to your words.
  10. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Re: Symbiotic relationships

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