The funny side of Sears

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by thomas, Aug 12, 2002.

  1. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    I recently got a treadmill from sears, They told me that the service contract people would contact me in 4 -6 weeks about purchasing a service contract if I was interested.

    About six weeks after the purchase, they did call and told me the price was $299 for three years. I thought it was high, but I use the treadmill a lot, so I went ahead and charged it.

    Yesterday, while in the store, I asked a salesman about the price for the service agreement. He said $139 for three years. Today, I called the service contract people and they said no, it is $299.

    So, back to Sears to see a salesman today. She said it is $139 if you purchase it at the time of the purchase of the treadmill, $299 if you get it later more than two weeks after the purchase of the treadmill.

    They never offered it at the time of sale - just said someone will call.

    I am uncertian what to do. The last treadmill I got there had a three year warranty. It broke just before the three years was up, and Sears replaced it with no problem. I feel like I got ripped off. This is why I almost never do business with Sears

    And, it will be the last time.
  2. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    try writing a letter thru PFB. I've had really good luck doing that. Couldn't hurt!
  3. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    FYI- Some credit cards extend your waranty an extra year at no cost to you just for using their card for the purchase (Citi Platnuim Select is one of them)
  4. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    I just talked to another rep and got a totally different price. I'm going up to the Sears store now to confront a manager. This stuff should be illegal.
  5. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Give em H*ll, and let us know what happens. GOOD LUCK!!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    The COMPANY that made it, usually has a WARANTEE for a year or your SERVICE AGREEMENT kicks in year 2...

    RETURN IT NOW...get your money back...

    Re-buy it at the lower price if you really want the service agreement...

    ...or just get a credit for the service agreement...(you paid for something that has not "kicked-in" yet)...

    My FRIDGE had a service agreement...3 years...I renewed it at a MUCH HIGHER PRICE...when that expired I didn't renew it...SO I PAID LIKE FOR ANOTHER 1/2 OF A FRIDGE FOR NOTHING!!! About 2 years later I had to do repairs...about $200.00 (8 years after purchase)
  7. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member


    Just got back from the Sears store. Manager says they should have offered it to me when I got the treadmill, but there is nothing he can do now. The sporting goods manager also agreed - he remembered me and acknowledged the warranty was not offered.

    The warranty is 90 days on the machine.

    I can cancel the service agreement, but my last treadmill broke just before the three year extended warranty was up, so I feel I need the extra protection.

    The store will not sell it to me for $139 now - they said I would have to buy the warranty within two weeks of getting the treadmill.

    Of interest, the warranty people and the store both said that even if I had purchased the warranty from the warranty people the day I bought the treadmill, I would still have to pay $299. The $139 deal is only available from the store within two weeks of the sale. I only wish they had told me that.

    I guess the next step is Planet feedback. I have never tried them before. I'll keepm you posted. Any other ideas are appreciated.
  8. SK

    SK Well-Known Member

    If you really want the service agreement (which is generally just another way for Sears to make money) can't you just return the item, then buy another one with the service agreement?

    I know it's a pain, but you should be able to return if it's been less than 30 days from purchase. Or, when you talk to the next manager-level Sears employee, say that you either want the service agreement price reduced, or you will return and MAYBE re-purchase. It makes more sense then for him/her to give you the lower price.
  9. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    This was delivered. Took two real big guys to get it upstairs and took over an hour for them to do it. Because of the way my stairs are, getting it out would be a major undertaking. Returning it is not a reasonable option. Threatening to return it is a possibility.
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Because of the way my stairs are, getting it out would be a major undertaking Returning it
    In that case just return it and don't get another one as you will have had all the exercise you need from taking it back.

    LB 59
  11. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the humor.

    Still waiting to hear from them.
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Proves Quixote wrong don't it.?

  13. coralreef

    coralreef Well-Known Member

    I would also threaten to return it,and rebuy it. I have used this tactic before to get a sale price on something that went on sale after I bought it. "What do you mean you can't give me a sale price adjustment ?" ok well, how about if you just give me back my money and i'll rebuy it at the sale price, oh, buy the way could you just have one of your sales people lift it out of the car for me and bring it in... oh, um could you have someone bring up a fresh one still in the box... I mean if I'm returning it I might as well get a new one since I've had it two weeks, you know it's a little banged up...... why, yes I do think thats a lot of trouble... yes I agree that it would be much easier to just have you adjust the price....sure cash would be fine. HAVE A NICE DAY!!

  14. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    HA! ROFLMAO!!!! :-D

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