I somewhat recently started rebuilding my credit with things like the Futurecard, FCNB, Fingerhut, etc. Well, to recap: Axsys National Bank (the issuer of Fingerhut's charge card) is no more; FCNB is now looking for a buyer; and the Futurecard is no longer taking applications, with some other winner called the AmeriOne card in its stead. My question is, does everything I touch turn to shit, or what? If something happens to the Target Guest card, I swear I don't know what I'll do... wajaba
Quick update for any Futurecard cardholders out there: I got a response from a rep at First Premier Bank...he said that this doesn't affect existing accounts, but if or when the Futurecard is discontinued entirely, some other First Premier card (he didn't say which) will be issued as a replacement. wajaba
I guess you read the article on Card Web? http://www.cardweb.com/cardtrak/pastissues/mar02.html Like the article said, you're probably better off putting some money into a secured account to rebuild.