I shall say this: The FCRA is a PLAIN LANGUAGE LAW. You can go on and on about it Butchler, but nothing you post about it may change the meaning of it. The only controversy is that you are a legend in your own mind. No one else other than those you put up to posting on your behalf, care what you've posted. They all see the real problem is that you, once again, can't let it go. When you're wrong, you're wrong and no amount spewing can change it. Best wishes tweedle dee aka Butchler
Re: Re: The New 7.5 Yr. Reporting Period! Actually I can agree with part of that. Doesn't seem to matter to anyone on CN what's in this thread. But that's fine. I don't care that nobody cares. I'm not here to argue with the likes of you 2. I'm developing this thread for my own reasons, as part of a much larger body of work. Exposing your respective intellects is merely a silly bonus. (And I put NOBODY up to posting here. Nor shall I. In fact I've discouraged it).
Re: Re: Re: The New 7.5 Yr. Reporting Period! There's the sure thing (in red). Leave me out of your diatribes, please!!! I ONLY don't want this thread to be locked or moved to neverland as seems to be your intent (so you can again poach what you like and disregard the rest and claim it as your own), as it is full of substantial and complete information that can be confirmed by anyone desiring to do so. Sassy
Re: Re: Re: The New 7.5 Yr. Reporting Period! Silly repeated allegation denied, again. ... Besides, in those instances where it may be appropriate to example lame logic, don't worry, I shall give you full credit, like I always have.
Re: Re: Re: The New 7.5 Yr. Reporting Period! Hey Hey! Happy Tax Deadline Everyone: Sure hope you got those tax returns in yesterday, according to the "MANDATED REQUIREMENT" of the letter of the law. Lets review the letter of the law ... shall we : USC 26 Sec. 6011. General requirement of return, statement, or list -STATUTE- (a) General rule When required by regulations prescribed by the Secretary any person made liable for any tax imposed by this title, or with respect to the collection thereof, shall make a return or statement according to the forms and regulations prescribed by the Secretary. Every person required to make a return or statement shall include therein the information required by such forms or regulations. CLEAR AS MUD ... AIN'T IT !?!?! LOL ....
Re: Re: Re: The New 7.5 Yr. Reporting Period! Uh oh, I didn't get mine in yesterday!! Actually, I think you meant by yesterday. I already have my refund back and invested. Not too heavily invested, as it's part of my "go to hell" money. I love words, and I love reading this thread. Just because we don't post doesn't mean we don't read. I did something similar to what I said above years ago. A group of us went to a comedy club. We were waiting for the doors to open and started talking about the sign that said "You must be 21 to enter." When I got to the window to buy my ticket, I looked at the sign and said "Oh, I guess I can't come in. I'm not 21." The clerk looked at me and said "Of course you're over 21." Then I said "But the sign doesn't say 21 OR OVER or AT LEAST 21--it says you MUST be 21." OK, Butch, I'll leave it to you to analyze that one!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: The New 7.5 Yr. Reporting Period! I just want to say that most on CN are advocates of Butch and I personally am pleased he didn't leave CN for "the other board" like so many others did while CN was having issues.... That said, I will be the first to admit that while I get the jist of FCRA/FCBA/FDCPA, etc, i don't UNDERSTAND it. That is why I haven't posted on this thread (in case you haven't noticed - i try to hit every thread out there LOL). I come hear and read what other people have said about it in laymans terms. There is just WAY too much legal lingo in it to where my mind goes a little fuzzy. If an expert from CREDITNET disagreed with butch, I may consider it, but basically when it comes from "the other board" i tend to ignore.... BTW, i hate the fact they brag about confiscating members from here.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The New 7.5 Yr. Reporting Period! oh c'mon hedwig! aren't we ALL 21? i know i will be until i die...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The New 7.5 Yr. Reporting Period! I watch your posts Jenz. You do very well actually. There are some pretty good primer docs discussing the FDCPA and FCRA. If you want I'll try and dig em up. I'll start another thread for them. Thanx for the comments you guys.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The New 7.5 Yr. Reporting Period! thanks butch! i think it would be good reading for all!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The New 7.5 Yr. Reporting Period! I've read the entire thread Butch, thankyou for a fasinating discussion. Just like No means No.... 7 years means 7 years, not 7.5, period. I've got one involving "MAY" for you to dig into, from a MA state small claims statute... Small Claims Standards Act of 2002 section 7:06 "The court may not grant such relief ex-parte. The opposing party must be given an opportunity to be heard in opposition to a request for relief from judgment." Given that wording, can a judge with only the plaintiff appearing, grant a "vacate of dismissal" motion? Or would it be a violation of the defendent's right to due process for a judge to grant relief?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The New 7.5 Yr. Reporting Period! Thanks xY. My pleasure, believe me. I know my strengths, but I know my weaknesses too. I'm not that up to speed on "procedural issues". Your question would be better handled by one with small claims experience. That said; the wording you posted seems clear enough to me, NO a judge will not grant such relief without the defendant's opportunity to weigh in. But small claims is more a state specific issue. : )
Bumpage for the newbies... This is one of the best discussions of the 7 yr reporting period ever written. Everyone should read and understand Butch's explanation. 7 Years MEANS 7 years, period.
This is an awesome read. The best we all can do is have a discussion with varying opinions without argument. This info is a treasure. I have found that the 7 year period is used by many furnishers as a way to make sure it stays as long as they can and found on the other hand that even the CRA's will use it quite the opposite and dump someone that is 7 year and 1 min old. I can vouch for the huge amount of knowledge for LKH, one of the best in the business without any doubts. All of us need to understand written or not, written law is only as good as the consumer forces it to be. It means nothing to those without knowledge of consumer/credit laws. It makes me wonder how many furnishers take advantage of the law? I would say many do, especially those who like I have had a huge amount of success with deletions for inaccuracies and I can see a huge red flag on my file at each of the CRAs. Nonetheless, this type of info should be held as near gold, the more information and opinions we read to form our own opinions is what makes us informed consumers dangerous to the furnishers, and they know it. Hard to believe this thread was dug out from the pits only to be far more important today then ever before.