the royal screwing

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by haybelly, Nov 7, 2002.

  1. haybelly

    haybelly Well-Known Member

    A year ago I really made the resolution to try to do the right thing on my bills. I decided to actually pay them off and make on time payments. As for the junk already on my credit report, well I made another not so "pure" resolution to get that off.
    So check this out:
    Credit card company gives me a 9,000 credit limit, I find out that it is the best credit score to keep accounts open with over half balances paid. So I did.
    I paid 4,500 on my account and stopped charging. Which SHOULD be "yeah me" doing the right thing!
    The credit card company has now closed my account, I have called and called to talk to anyone and everyone to see why and it makes me so mad. Now, the account says closed by credit grantor and I am sure thats not helping my credit score. Catch 22 strikes again. No way, No how will they open that account back up. All payments in the last year have been on time and rather nice chunks. Prior to that I charged and charged, and had all kinds of late fees and over charges, did they close my account for being a reckless consumer? NO. Only when I did the right thing.

    Be warned.
  2. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    that sucks!!!
  3. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    Monoagram bank did the same thing to me with my Sam's CC!! I called and they said they could not reopen my account, but I could pay off the balance and reapply(how gracious of them)
  4. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    and I was never late and always paid 3x the min
  5. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    What credit card company was this? That stinks!

  6. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    my nightmare as well. Hope you recover ok...
  7. indigo

    indigo Well-Known Member

    Please forgive me if I misunderstand. You paid 50% or all and stopped using? How long did you stop using it? Which one if you don't mind sharing?

    I had a similar exp with BofA prime visa but I'd stopped using it for over a year. Been considering calling them up and reinstating with old dates, since learning *here* how important it is to have longevity in TL.

    I'm sorry.
  8. gargoyle

    gargoyle Well-Known Member

    yikes - I finally got an unsecured card after all of my mistakes..... I figured I'd charge utilities to it and instead of sending the check to the ut company - I'd just send it to the cc.... to help build a history of on-time payments..... the first month, I paid the minimum of $10, a week ago made a payment of $50 - and today paid the balance of $250 - I hope they don't see this as bad!!

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