The SI Jinx and Credit Strategies

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by John Galt, Mar 3, 2002.

  1. John Galt

    John Galt Active Member

    It's a personal and moral decision whether anyone wishes to challenge a bk or any credit account at Christmas or on technicalities. I will pass no judgment on those decisions and who makes them. I will only judge what's best for me.

    As I contemplate the strategies Jim and Marie and others have outlined, a chilling thought came to mind. I will use an anology to draw my point.

    The magazine Sports Illustrated for decades has been associated by what is known as the "SI Jinx" - shorthand for the Sports Illustrated Jinx. This jinx is based on the following: Whenever a sports team, such as a basketball or football team, has appeared on the cover of the magazine, that team invariably LOSES their next game.

    Whether you believe in "The Jinx" is not my point. My point is a theory I have about the jinx and why it is relevent to credit strategies.

    My theory is once a team starts playing well, gets hot, beats good teams, they are on a streak. And being on a streak garners notoriety and fame. And that visibility gets the attention of magazines, like Sports Illustrated, who promote their product with what's current.

    But here's my point. Once a team gets hot and goes on a streak, that streak is ready to end (in most cases). The streak, the hot spell, is and has reached its conclusion. Most teams have streaks and only the great teams never get off of a streak. Most teams that appear on SI are in a streak that makes them "unusual" - and so the magazine covers them.

    Here's my point. There is no jinx. In actuality, the team in question is now ready to lose. Other teams have noticed them and are ready to take on the headline grabber. And the other teams get emotionally ready to play a team that is in the spotlight.

    What does this have to do with credit strategies?

    I tell you what. If what DaveLV said is true, that credit card companies read this board, you can also figure that the CRAs are reading this board. And the strategies that Jim and Marie and others promote that work, do in fact work, but they may have reached their logical conclusion of success.

    The credit card companies and banks are aware of these strategies, and the party may start to be over for others who wish to follow in the footsteps of the successful of credit rebuilding stategies.

    This post should be taken seriously, for no other reason than to consider that it is worthwhile to take a second and think about risking a credit strategy.

    My personal feeling is, believing in the analogy of the "SI Jinx," I feel I will be one of the unlucky ones who gets the short end with a CRA investigation aimed at me by someone who wants to shoot down a dispute strategy.

    I want to say to this board that I enjoy it very much and find the strategies helpful and success stories encouraging as I rebuild my credit. I still may risk the disputing strategies outlined on this board.

    I want to make it clear I do not work for a CRA or bank. I have real feelings of fear as I try to follow in the footsteps of the successful board members.
  2. lg

    lg Well-Known Member

    my feelings are what do i have to lose..... i can only gain at this point. we live daily by chance. the odds are just as good as winning the lotto. get out of the SI Jinx and live it up. if you filed bk your at the bottom, not much can hurt, or can it???
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    my credit is terrible because i tried to do the right thing and pay my bills and now i have to live through seven years of credit hell because of it. the fact is that we are doing what the law allows.... if they cannot verify an account that is not my fault.... if they cannot respond to procedure requests that is not my fault.... i hope they do read the board, maybe they will learn how to do their jobs better....

    whatever we do, we choose do, and we understand that the response may not be favorable always, but i refuse to be a victim of credit any longer and I will challenge them just like they would do me, if they had a chance...
  4. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    The "Jinx" analogy is not valid,as the cc companies,the cra's the "credit repair" companies are not interested in beating "US" but each other! Their business decisions have NOTHING to do with what response will be effective for debtors,only what will be cost effective and bottom line profitable for themselves.Haven't any of you noticed the large amount of spam solicitations for "debt repair","guaranteed credit cards" "equity loans" etc. etc. since you started posting ? THAT'S why they are reading this board !!
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Good post LK.
  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    The issue is forcing them to obey the laws.
    It has nothing to do with the debtors status or motives.

    There is no law involved in the SI theory.
  7. RichGuy

    RichGuy Well-Known Member

    No team is ever "ready to lose" based on its previous success. That is a well-known fallacy called "the maturity of chances." It is not true.

    The original John Galt would have understood this.

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