My score at Equifax is now 680 with one unpaid ca on it. It was 580 in April before I settled with a bunch of ca's for deletion. Finally got the last ca deletion letter sent out to Equifax. Keep checking everyday for the update. I sent one via fax and another by mail just to make sure. This CA account is the number one reason for my score not being higher. I am hoping for a big fat 50 points jump to put me at 730. Any ideas on how long they before the update for a single dispute with a letter from the CA saying deletion????
Well with EFX, I would get one of the main peeps on the phone first, state what you have and ask them what is the best way to go about it. They will most likely say, send it to them and they will do a immediate deletion.
cinderella, I had a friend that I told that he needed to check his credit report every once in a while. I told him this for over a year. He finally tried CE and he had a collection on it. In over 20 years he never had a late. He has 4 or 5 rentals, a beach condo, etc. His ce score was 685. I disputed and his score went to 805. He only has 2 CC's. He would be a great experiment to get 20 to 30 points higher, but he's being a fart about it. Hopefully, your score will go up over 50 points! Good luck! Charlie
Thanks guys....Can you believe it, just checked the equifax report and the CA is gone(faxed it on Monday). But, wouldn't you know it, the score power is now down! Will post the new score once it's working. Cinderella
Cinderella what fax number did you use for EQX. I have a deletion letter from a CA that I would like to send them. Thanks,
Woooo....up 55 points to 735. Just think, a few months ago I was at 580. Now according to the FICO simulator, it says if I pay off 190 of my $194 balance with Capital one, I could go up to 785-825.....UNBELEIVABLE! Sending in that check tomorrow so I only carry a $5 balance on my capital one. Fax number I used was:Equifax â?? FAX: 866-233-3777 .
Hey Charlie, your friend is like me, I only have two CC's too. One with Capital One that is 9 months old and one with Orchard that is 2 months old....for a grand combined limit of $1050. Only other trade lines I have are installment with cars and a 15 year old dormant department store account that has not been used in over 7 years, but is reported monthly to the CRA's.
This is strange, before the Ca was removed, the fico simulator would up my points if I carried a zero balance, but not as much if I carried between a $4-$16 balance. Weird...I know. Now with the CA removed, I get the same amount of point increase for carrying a $5 balance or a ZERO balance......before I was able to squeeze out a few points more for carry a very small balance instead of zero.