In my opinion, Innovis is definitely a "credit reporting agency" under the law and as such must give you access to your credit file. You have the right to challenge information contained in your report, just as you do with the other 3 CRAs. Now, having said that, this does not mean that they necessary will be cooperative with consumers. I requested my credit file from them and they sent me back a form letter essentially stating they are "in the process of developing a database and can't handle online disputes at this point." In response, I faxed them a very nasty letter on my law firm's letterhead telling them that they are a credit reporting agency under federal and state law and that their refusal to provide me with a report would result in an immediate action for damages and injunctive relief, and perhaps a class action lawsuit and Attorney General intervention. I received my report within two days of that letter. Since then, I have challenged items on my Innovis report successfully, so that can be done as well. Unfortunately, what this means for all of us is that we now have to monitor 4 agencies rather than 3. Which totally sucks.
Chriscraft: Thanks to you too. So it's taking pretty definite shape. I'm going to start recommending that my people immediately order their innovis reports too and we will start treating them for what they are. There is absolutely no sense (to my way of thinking and believeing) in doing a job half-way. If I'm gonna do a job, then I'm gonna do it right or not at all
chriscraft- If you don't mind sharing... did your report from Innovis contain "positive" info. I don't mean to infer anything, but the way Innovis' site reads they only report negative info. Was it free? Thanks! SK
My request is going out too. I'd like to compare it to the other three. I am glad Doc and I were told the same thing, gives them a little more credibility. I will send them the usual 'Info Packet', Utility bills, ss card, driv lisc., etc, so as not to give them anything to deny on. Should be interesting. Shawn
SofaKing: I am not at all offended by your question - in fact, I am glad you asked it. Yes, I did have positive information in my Innovis file. I don't have my report in front of me, but there were like 4-5 positives and two negatives, one of which was a disputed First Consumers National Bank credit card account and the other a reference to my '93 Chapter 7 bankruptcy. I have not analyzed the report to see where Innovis might have obtained this information from, but I will tonight. I was able to have the FCNB account deleted from Innovis' database, and am still working on the Chapter 7 reference. Don't let Innovis bully you! I'm not going to, that's for damn sure. Let me know if you have any other questions. Take care. -chriscraft
chriscraft- OK! Thanks for all the good information! I guess the cat's out-of-the-bag on this one! I have a suspicion they will emerge as primarily a mortgage-only reporting agency. SK
SofaKing: I forgot to add this - yes, the Innovis report was provided to me at no charge. And I think you are right - they probably are just going to be a repository used primarily by mortgage lenders. It doesn't seem to me that we need yet another credit repository. Three is not only company in this case, it's way too much! Good luck! -chriscraft
If Innovis is a provider of infromation that will determine someones credit worthiness, doesnt this qualify them as a National CRA? If someone is granted or denied credit and this was one of the deciding factors, this would make them liable under the law. Anyone?
Here's an interesting quote from Innovis where they directly acknowledge the Fair Credit Reporting Act with respect to their "FailSafe" product: "FailSafe is an FCRA compliant database comprised of public record and accounts receivable data collected from thousands of credit grantors nationally." Source for this quote:
I just talked to John at Innovis (and he has a LISP)! He is telling me that I cannot get my file and I will have to call the other 3 guys and I should be fine with the info I get from the other 3 guys. WTF? GIVE ME THAT D@%& FAX NUMBER!!!
As posted above, you will have to get the information from them by writing for it.They are not taking request by phone or online at this time. I don't know that you should be worried about them at this point, several calls (and their website) point to them being only a marketing based agency. Shawn
I THINK THEY ARE A CLEARINGHOUSE FOR MORTGAGE COMPANIES AND THE BIG 3...everything that ever was on a credit report is there even if it was removed or totally incorrect... Even if they send you something in the mail...IS THAT ALL THERE IS???? HOW WOULD YOU KNOW???
I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but GEORGE has a point. Of course if this would be illegal...
Friends, please re-read my earlier post on this subject. It is in this same thread. In my opinion, Innovis is a credit reporting agency and as such is required to comply with all federal and state laws governing credit reporting agencies. A cursory review of their website will show you why I strongly feel they are a CRA. If Innovis is refusing to give you your credit report despite your having made the request in writing and having given appropriate proof of identity, then I suggest you get your state Attorney General's office involved, as well as your state and federal legislators. This is not hard to do at all and can be done by phone. Innovis tried to pull the same crap with me, but backed off real quickly once they received a letter from me on my law firm's letterhead. Don't let them bully you. It's wrong. Stand up for your rights. You can win.
chriscraft: Your law firm or one that you hire? Which? Gotta go along with that. It's the only way to fly.
Bill, the letter was written by me and sent on my law firm's letterhead. I am a lawyer. I have found that the CRAs will generally try to bully you and to frustrate your every effort whenever possible, and they only back off when you refuse to be handled that way. You have to be aggressive and assertive at every turn. That doesn't mean you have to be nasty or discourteous, just stubborn in pursuing your legal rights. Perseverance is the key here, or at least so I have found.
Chriscraft: You are absolutely right. I'm certain that being a lawyer is helpful, but you don't have to be to be assertive. I'd like to speak to you in private email about a case I am working on for myself. I would like to solicit your advice and possible assistance in filing a case. Email me please