There are four CRA's not Three

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mkmaximus, Sep 15, 2001.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  2. RichGuy

    RichGuy Well-Known Member

    And five's a Taliban.
  3. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    LOL, Rich. :)
  4. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

  5. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Houston Chronicle report

    Subject: credit file
    Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 23:56:32 -0400
    From: Greg Fisher <>

    Eric Duhon, Chief information officer
    Innovis Data Solutions

    On July 16th, Houston Chronicle reporter Shannon Buggs wrote, "So, you can't call up Innovis and order your credit file, says Eric Duhon, Innovis' chief information officer."

    If your thing called "Failsafe" is a "national database of consumers with unfavorable current or past credit histories" (as stated on your web site), then you sure seem like a credit reporting agency to me. Was Buggs' statement accurate?
  6. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: Houston Chronicle report

  7. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Houston Chronicle report


    I'm not even going to go into the Innovis question in this one, but you are saying there are 4, not 3. Or at least that's the thread name. Whatever.

    My point is that Innovis would make 5th or 6th or even more yet.

    CSC Services in Houston actually does put out it's own credit report. All you have to do is write them and ask them for it and you will get your credit report from them too, just like the big three and it looks the same.

    Yet they are a division of Equifax. And Equifax has lots of other regional offices as we all know. How many of them put out their own separate credit reports? I don't know, but I'll bet CSC isn't the only one.

    I'm just trying to make a point here, not get any Innovis arguments going.

    They are all credit bureaus in their own right is the point and it don't make any difference if they provide the consumer with a report or not as far as I can tell.

    And for those folks who want to spam the credit bureaus as a method of credit repair, I think they should be aware of that and spam them all for the simple reason that Equifax for one don't really investigate themselves. They send your demand out to CSC or whomever is their regional affiliate for the region one lives in and then the regional affiliate does the actual investigation and reports it's findings back to Equifax.

    So if you send your verification requests to the credit bureau, especially Equifax, then I think you should short-circuit their system by spamming the both of them at the same time. That way if you get a different answer out of one than you do out of the other, you got a leg to stand on because somebody is lying.

    If you end up with a reason to sue, you file one suit against Equifax and another one scheduled for a different hearing date and case number on the affiliate and it might cost them twice for the same boo-boo.

    Trapping them in their damnedable lies is the only way to win that I can see because that makes it a whole lot more serious.

    Just my thoughts.
  8. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: Houston Chronicle report

  9. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: Houston Chronicle report

  10. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Re: Houston Chronicle report

    Wow, super sleuth work Greg!

    Of course, several of us reported this a month ago in this same very thread.

    See, a few of us simply called and asked -like any sane person would do- instead of sending multiple pointless emails cc'd to the entire world.

    If you just paid attention you would have already had your Innovis 'report' by now.


    p.s. Good News! is still available- I just checked for you!
  11. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Houston Chronicle report


    What is your problem?
  12. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Re: Houston Chronicle report

    No problem, why do you ask?

    If you are referring to my sarcastic post to Greg, it is mostly because he has followed up many of my posts in much the same way. Usually with a comment about spelling or grammar- nothing to do with the post itself.

    He tries to come across as a 'consumer-advocate', but look how he belittles people on this board. Look at his thread about calling a poster a criminal for having a nsf check. I thought this board was about helping people, not berating them.

    Also- I think they way he sends repeated emails to several people at a time (he cc's everyone- even if they ask not to be contacted and point him in the right direction) is pretty rude.

    If you are referring to the 'scam' e-mail- I just thought it was wrong for everyone to accuse the 'kid' of a crime when he wasn't doing anything wrong. How many posts are there on this board a day that deal with "unfairness" and "rights", yet look how quick some people here are to accuse others.

    I just think we should give others the same respect we are asking for ourselves. Sorry if you feel that is a problem.

  13. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Houston Chronicle report

    Shawn, I also think it's a problem -- I concur with breeze. If you think Greg has been out of line, simply tell him so directly and plainly. However I don't think that shooting Greg down with that level of contempt and sarcasm is justified at all.

    Here's why Greg went to the trouble of writing them directly: I'm probably not telling you anything you don't already know, but Greg Fisher is nationally known for being a factor in the CRAs going forward with releasing to consumers the once-secret credit scores. He based his work (cited in several popular national media outlets and humorously summarized on his site) on engaging the CRAs in writing rather than with undocumented casual phone calls. For that reason, this careful documentation of Innovis is much appreciated by several of us.

  14. SofaKing

    SofaKing Well-Known Member

    Re: Houston Chronicle report


    Good job smokin' them out and getting them to go on written record as a "credit reporting agency".


  15. IncomeHelp

    IncomeHelp Well-Known Member

    Re: Houston Chronicle report

    Thanks Greg. It is good to see more information about this. I have not requested my report from them yet. I may be afraid to see what is on it. The thought of starting over is still only a thought.

  16. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Houston Chronicle report

    Greg Fisher may not always word things in the best way possible, but he is nobody's fool.
  17. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: Houston Chronicle report

    You're responding to a question that hasn't even be asked, or a statement that hasn't even been made.

    Where did I ever ask for my Innovis file?
    Please, Super-Deduper, give exact quotes and links to my alleged fouls. You gave a url that goes nowhere, but nothing else.

    Sending email to people even if they ask not to be contacted? Where?

    What's up with the Supershawn and Captain of the Obvious stuff? I get this image of men in tights. Are you like-- Batman?
  18. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Re: Houston Chronicle report


    I simply posted in a manner that he has posted several times- to me and several others on the board. If I need to post references to the links I will. Not only that, but it was meant to be humorous. Come on. Doc, aren't you the one that told me the other day not to take things personally? (I know, you are still mad I thought of the Credit Amnesty thing first! LOL )

    I am not knocking greg as a person- I do not even know him. For all I know I have sat next to him on a plane or at a bar one time and had a great conversation. Then again, maybe he cut me off on the road one time and I flipped him off. Who know's.

    I just think it's incredibly funny that he sends the same email to so many people at one time, sometimes cc'ing people who have little or nothing to do with his question. This case in point, he cc'd several people in his email. No one answered. He sent again. And again. Maybe if he had just sent one email to one person in the first place he would have gotten an answer. Geez, I called them on the phone and had an answer in less than five minutes. They are not a 'true' CRA, they are mainly for marketing. However, they do act as a 'CRA' and will mail you reports...they are just not set up to handle them online or over the phone at this point. That's it. No big conspiracy. No iron curtain. Several others here got the same answer. Case closed- a month ago. I just think it's funny that greg felt the need to cc several people, including the author of an article about Innovis, AND post it here. AND again. AND again. And that's my opinion. And I am sticking to it!

    As far as the sarcasm, well, that's how I felt at the moment. He has felt the need to respond to many of my posts in a similar manner. Usually not about the content of the post, but about the grammar and spelling. And it's usually very belittling and sarcastic.

    He has also come down very hard on people here seeking advice- not too good for someone playing the roll of 'consumer advocate'. Again, look at the NSF thread in particular. If he is 'one if us', fighting for rights and respect, why does he feel the need to do that? He says on his own site that he has had late cc payments, but he is better than someone on this board who accidentally bounced a check? Read this thread and see how warm and cuddly he is

    He's really helping out there, huh?

    Now, all in all, I am not knocking the guy directly- just his methods.

    - The emails. First of all, email is a great thing. However, it is very impersonal. It is sometimes very hard to get the true meaning of content and/or to convey emotions. It is also very hard to take an email as a 'direct' request when it is not only delivered to you but to a dozen other people. If my job was customer service, and I had to handle hundreds of emails every day, I know I would handle direct emails first rather than ones cc'd to a lot of other people who might have already answered the question. My opinion is that this is the wrong way to go about it. BUT, that's just my opinion. I make no claim that it is better than someone else's. However, in this case, the direct approach seemed to prevail. We called one person directly. We got an immediate answer. He sent several emails to several people- when they finally got around to answering him, they were so annoyed by him he got a two sentence answer- not half the detail we got.

    - I also don't like his philosophy on mortgage brokers. I bought a house two years ago. My mortgage broker worked her butt off for me, and for that I am greatfull. Greg suggests that to get your credit fixed 'fast', you should 'hire' a mortgage broker with the intentions of getting a loan, have them fix your credit, then not get the loan. Huh? So the mortgage broker works their butt off and never gets paid. You guys want to talk scam? How's that not a scam? A direct intent to deceive for a personal gain. That's a scam to me. I think of all the work my broker did for me, then I think of gregs idea. I think that is just wrong. And that's an idea on one of his 'nationally published articles'. Great, so now mortgage brokers all over the country are getting scammed. But, again, that's just my opinion.

    His sites do have some good info- although they are a little hard to navigate. I am not knocking them I have no right to- just stating my opinion. And I respect that he does take on the 'big guys' - someone has to do it. I just think it could be done in a much more professional way. But again, that's just my opinion. I surely don't have the time to do it, so I can't really knock him.

    Geez, all that for a tiny little post in jest.

    Maybe I'll just stick with 'lurking' around here from now on.

  19. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: Houston Chronicle report

    One more thing:

    How many people in Houston who read that column think that they can't get their file from Innovis?

    And, how many of them read this message board?
  20. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Re: Houston Chronicle report

    Nothing like proving my point for me.

    Only because you asked.....

    As far as your negative attitude towards people on this board, .

    As far a a url that goes nowhere, I have no idea what you are talking about. There was no directed url in that post. The only URL included (p.s.)was done so in jest.

    As far as the sarcasm, well, you answered that one for me. Your post comments hardly at all on a point and mostly on my nic and cartoons???? Tell me you are saving the pen!s jokes for last!!!!LOL

    I was 'responding' to the fact that you wrote to Innovis, along with the author of an article, to find out about their status as a CRA. Many of us had already posted a month ago, in this very thread, the answer to that question. I found it humorous that you expended three times the effort and got half as much of a response. And I posted my opinion. Your point?

    And as far as 'proof' of people asking you to stop cc'ing/emailing them, well that's right on your very own site. Finding it is another story-

    Here is one thread where you are told who to contact and you continue to badger the person.

    Here is another thread in which you are told several times who to contact and yet still harass the same person.

    And again you are told who to contact and you still go at it.

    The references are clearly there. I am not going to point them out one by one.

    I am also not calling them 'faults', just differences of opinions. Don't let your insecurities show so easily.

    I have no desire, at all, to debate your methods or ethics here. I could care less. I posted my opinion to one of your posts- and that opinion stands.

    I have only been on this board since the summer. I have been completely honest about my situations and where I come from. I have never once posted negatively towards someone- nor looked down upon them for their mistakes. If anyone wants to question my morals or integrity over my 'awful/sarcastic' reply- well, that's your choice.

    As I have already stated- I was not attacking you as a person, just your methods and the way you treated people here on the board in the past. How you took it is just a reflection upon yourself.

    Now, greg, flame on with the comments, pointed out typo's, jokes about nic's, etc. You are only proving my point.

    Oh, and I would see someone about those visions of men in tights...


    p.s. Any 'questions' in this post are rhetorical- there's no need to answer them. My time is more valuable than debating something so silly.

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