supershawn's off-kilter ramblings If you don't want to debate it, then don't bring it up, jack. I live to ask the question that can't be answered. You're down a couple, and the more you talk, the deeper you dig your hole. Where did I ever ask for my Innovis file? A simple question, but I can't find the answer anywhere in all your voluminous yammering. Here's a hint: The only possible answer: Nowhere. That's 0 for 1. You said, "I also don't like his philosophy on mortgage brokers." I don't have any "philosophy" on mortgage brokers any more than I have a "philosophy" on Gorgonzola cheese. The item (since you didn't provide a reference (again)) to which you think you're accurately referring can be found at Here goes 0 for 2, Super. Where-- anywhere-- in that article am I quoted referring to mortgage brokers? I responded to the reporter's query accurately. He said that he was looking for "... guerilla tactics that I haven't heard of before." But, what is sacred about a mortgage loan application that allows lenders to make corrections faster than other types of lending or use of credit files? Do people trying to get car loans, checking accounts, credit cards, personal loans, telephones or insurance have fewer rights? Is buying a house more important than insurance? Since you posted three links in a row (with no point, really-- please, be specific: Use quotes) to one of my web sites, I'll take the liberty to post one that the membership here may acctually find amusing and useful: REAL CREDIT FILE INFORMATION AND RESPONSES FROM A CREDIT REPORTING AGENCY AND CREDITOR SCANNED AND PUBLISHED:
Re: Equifax - busted!! An amusing part about it is the return address at Equifax: Glenn King... This guy must be real busy as he is on all my reports too! I wonder if he is a relative to I.M. Nutz, or I.P. Freely, or R.U. Dumm, or Hugh Jass, or..... SK Innovis contact letter including direct 800#
Re: Equifax - busted!! I did an image search to see who Glenn King really is. Here's what I found: Glenn King
Re: Equifax - busted!! Nah, if that was Glenn King we'd be dealing with some much smarter than the so called real life King