There has to be a sure way.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by SPACECAT, Nov 10, 2001.


    SPACECAT Well-Known Member

    I have a chapter 7 that has been archived. I found this out by asking a few questions to the person handles bk's for my city. I have disputed several times & came back verified $0 assets $0 liabilites from all 3 cra's. I asked a cra rep about this being impossible and he replied that all bk7's report this way. We all know that having a bk like this is not possible. There has to be a sure fire way to eliminate this bk7. Any experts out there?
  2. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member

    What do you mean by archived?

    SPACECAT Well-Known Member

    It has been sent to a governmental storage facility. I was told this is the actual paper file that is stored. There is no microfilm for it. If I wanted to view it I have to order it to be shipped to the city where it was filed. It costs 25 or 35 bucks to do this.
  4. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Somebody is feeding you the wrong information. If they were telling you the actual facts, then how is it possible to go on line with various types of information about any bankruptcy case and find it right on line?

    Why is it that if you ask an "authority" the wrong question you get the right answer to the wrong question every time? But the answer you get is seldom what you wanted to hear?

    SPACECAT Well-Known Member

    I talked to the guy who is in charge of getting the file in house for viewing.
  6. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member

    Well, I guess all you can do is order the file shipped and pay the fee.

    SPACECAT Well-Known Member

    I don't mine paying or getting it here. But what am I doing that for? What is the logic having it brought out of archives.
  8. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member

    Sorry, the way you kept mentioning it, I though you needed it for your dispute.

    SPACECAT Well-Known Member

    My goal is to get rid of this mark.
  10. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    You should be able to have a copy of your file sent to you from whichever office of the National Archives it has been placed at. No need for shipping to the local bankruptcy office.

    Also, I tried to do this in July for my chap 7 discharged in 11/92--they could not locate my file.


    SPACECAT Well-Known Member

    Are you saying it was sent to your home address?

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