I went to court today with Providian. Their representative told me that someone from one of the CAs that I am suing(Genesis, IC Systems or NCO) called her company and asked if they had been served by me because they had. I didn't get a name from her as to which company it was, but I will tomorrow. We were ordered to mediation and actually came to a settlement agreement. But since she did not have authorization to write a check for the amount we had come to (I could prove damages for the extra mount that I had to pay for my apartment's security deposit plus the day I had to take off of work ). She tried to call someone at the office, but couldn't get in touch with them. We ended up getting a continuance because the docket was so full and one of the other judges was sick so the judge we were in front of had to take on the other judge's cases. She's going to call me tomorrow after talking to her supervisor. I'll post then. Until then, be careful what you post here or other boards. Those people that go to the collectionindustry board are lurking about.
Good job on the settlement! How did they figure out who you were? Did you ever post your name? This board is watched by a lot of CA's and CRA's. Check out the thread about "this board is being watched". Number #1 alltime Creditnet thread. You should be honored that they are telling each other about you, yet they are paying YOU the $!! Charlie
ONE DAY WE WERE WERE A "CLASS" PROJECT...about 50-100 too many guests... There are "TONS" of non-posters...(I guarantee some of those are spies)...
Congrats on the settlement!! We all know that they lurk...that's why people shouldn't post so in depth or find a couple of creditnetters that you can e-mail with. That's what I do. There's a lot of behind the scenes that Credit Netters do that isn't posted on the board, but is said privately. I recommend that if you have a very intricate situation post it briefly and then ask if someone would e-mail you privately about it. That's the best way.
Oh yes, now I know. What they don't seem to understand is that the other companies don't care about them, just themselves. She was like, "Whatever". I 'm not litigiuous. I've never sued anyone until this whole debacle. They didn't claim to be innocent, though. In fact, they have admitted their wrongdoing. Works for me. So I will just stay quiet about who I am suing and just post my experiences. I'm going to put it in my agreements that they have to keep their noses out of my info. I'm going to report them to the FTC for calling her, too.Let them explain that. If that doesn't work, I suppose I'm going to have to report them to Dick Cheney or something to get them to take me seriously. Thanks for the support guys, law school is looking more and more like the right choice for me.
I made a posting not too long ago about arrow and got the most peculiar email response about it. The more I dig into this credit repair the less trusting I am starting to get ...
That should be "The more I post detail specific information the more vulnerable I am..." Not everyone that acts like a friend is your friend. And then there's enemies (spies).
Love: it is highly interesting you said that... The letter was gleaming with (I am on on your side and I would like to help you)... This poster has been a member for almost a year and yet no post..
They also could have pretty easily just searched public records at the courthouse for any other suits that you are a party to..... I"m not saying that industry people aren't watching here....but there are other possibilities for how they knew you were suing Providian as well....
Yes, but we also spy on them...spying is older than prostitution...and we are in a war of sorts with creditors. That is why it is important to NEVER post personally identifying (CC#s, SS#, phone, account #s, address, etc)info on these forums.
Pardon my paranoia I don't think its a good idea to post what CAs you are dealing with AND what TLs/CAs/OCs is on your reports. This is my mental picture of a CA monitoring CN: CA rep shouts over his cubicle "Anyone dealing with a case in Ga?" "When you pulled their report they did they accounts with ABC, XYZ, and AAA?" "Hey, look at this!"
Re: Pardon my paranoia I also think they searched public records. My city has an online search and I can enter my name and see all lawsuit and all the info on them in my name if I of course had any left which I do not.
Re: Pardon my paranoia I didn't put all of that info in my post. But I did write the court date and the CAs names. So I'll be quiet about that until after court from now on. But they've bought themselves more trouble. I have the right to privacy. I'm sending the info the the FTC. Like they weren't in enough trouble.
I think what I and picantel are saying is that if the CA was served with notice of a lawsuit, it surely had your name and address on it, as well as the jurisdiction that you filed in. They could then call the clerk of the court (or look on the courts website) and see all of the lawsuits to which you are a party. They are all public records. I'm not web expert - but would think this is an easier route than tracking down your real name from a posting....
Re: Pardon my paranoia I agree totally...There is a lesser known CA I'm dealing with that is not often mentioned here..I have been dying to ask what others experiences have been with them, but I've been kinda paranoid about posting any questions about them because I don't want to tip them off to anything...besides, they might get a big head if they see their name on CN
Re: Pardon my paranoia Just like they don't think that many consumers go to the collectionindustry.com message boards. I believe that they do look here. the bottomfeeders. Regardless of how they did it, they did it. Invasion of privacy.