They admitted account wasn't mine..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by phxbbw6ft1, Apr 13, 2003.

  1. phxbbw6ft1

    phxbbw6ft1 Well-Known Member

    Swiss Colony has been after me for 2+ years. I've never ordered from them. I've sent validation letters ect. Finally after two years of negative reporting they finally sent me a letters saying.....They feel that the account was put in my name fraudulently and they will try and get it OFF my credit reports. TRY??? I got that letter like two weeks ago. The neg entry is still on my exp report, not sure about the other two yet. What steps do I take now? Thanks

  2. grendel

    grendel Well-Known Member

    Get a lawyer, prove damages and make them pay for the 2 years of misery you've been in because of their goof up.
  3. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Go get em'.........
  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I've got to disagree. Not every situation requires getting an atty and suing. I remember this poster from previous posts, and if my recollection is correct, this was not her only issue and proving that this one acct caused her problems will be difficult, at best.

    When a creditor requests deletion of an acct, it can take anywhere from 30 to 90 days. My suggestion would be to ask Swiss Colony to send you a copy of the request to delete that they sent to the cra's. Then fax that to each cra and you will see the item removed within a week.
  5. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    Great advice LKH. Exactly what I was going to say.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    A letter from the card company sent to the CRA'S will make it go BYE BYE

    I don't think it should take 60-90 days...BUT I'M NO EXPERT...I still can't get my reports 100% PERFECT...AND I NEVER HAD ANY "BADDIES"
  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Then I taught you well!! LOL j/k
  8. phxbbw6ft1

    phxbbw6ft1 Well-Known Member

    I agree with you. I won't get an atty involved over an account for $250. But I do want it off my credit, since it's not mine. I'll take your advice. Thanks, everyone:)

  9. dixidriftr

    dixidriftr Well-Known Member

    I'd go ahead and dispute anyway and include the letter you were sent as evidence. That way it will lock the CRA's into deleting within a 30 day time frame.

    And if it is the EVIL EXP and they refuse to investigate you've gotten yourself a couple violations.
  10. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Same thing happened to me. Faxed dispute and creditors letter of deletion and EQ deleted within a week. Mailed to TU and they deleted within 15 days.

    But those frigging weasles at EXP are another story. First they refused to investigate. Then I did an online dispute, and they claimed to have verified on the 31st day of the investigation. So, I called the creditor and they said they never verified, they had sent EXP a UDF to delete.

    I gave up and never sent another dispute in again to the EVIL EXP. About two months later, the account was deleted from EXP. I **think** there is a glitch on EXP's computer system. If you dispute an account, it will automatically come back verified if the creditor has sent a UDF into EXP (to clarify, a UDF by the creditor sent on their own, not a response to a dispute). The UDF can be for anything, something possibly not even related to the dispute and somehow the computer system of EXP picks up on that UDF and verifies your dispute, even if the creditor's UDF would be in favor of your dispute.

    This has happened to me on a few occassions with EXP. I thought I would expedite things and lock the EVIL EXP into a 30 day time slot instead of a possible 90 day wait, assuming I did not dispute and waited for EXP to update creditor's UDF. But each time the accounts came back verified within the 30 days, even though the creditor had sent in a UDF stating otherwise. At about 90 days, the account was then updated or deleted without further dispute.
  11. dixidriftr

    dixidriftr Well-Known Member

    I don't think it is due to a glitch in their system. I think it is EVIL EXP's policy that once an account has been investigated, that's it, it doesn't get re-investigated again. As far as they are concerned it is accurate, end of story.

    I have sent in disputes with proof to EVIL EXP that an item was wrong and had things deleted in a few days, but those were items I never disputed before.

    I'm sueing them over this same issue tomorrow, they done gone and pissed me off.
  12. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: They admitted account wasn't mine..

    ON-LINE (one or two disputes per account) says if you try for a third have to send PROOF from the creditor by mail.
  13. dixidriftr

    dixidriftr Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: They admitted account wasn't mine..

    This was my third time, sent snail mail, and included was a signed copy of the letter I recieved from the OC (letterhead included on top) showing how the account should be reported (paid-never late) and a copy of the envelope it came in.

    Results came a week later...

    "Previously investigated" and "We are unable to accept the information you sent us". Was what I got in the mail.
  14. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: They admitted account wasn't mine..

    Tell them you want a box of chocolates for your trouble. I have been ordering from them for years and my parents before me. This is the first year I actually did not but their prices have gone off into the world of the insane and I cannot support them anymore. If I want to pay $3 for one meat stick I will go get a damn slim jim- or 3. I would definately get it in writing first and if they will not then I would raise a stink. I was told last july my positive old first premier would be placed on my credit report in 30 days. Then they told me in august it was resent out. then in september. I am still waiting.

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