They are on the RUN!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by brother, Jan 28, 2006.

  1. brother

    brother Member

    I remember posting about a collection company that was avoiding service. Apparently they know the 'legal' game and have been in trouble before.

    I got an attorney and he had hired a process server and the COUNTY SHERIFF to serve this bizness. But NONE of the employees would accept service, they even went as far as to lock the door!!
    The process server and the sheriff would actually set up appointments and even go to the window to no avail. So we got 2 AFFADAVITS attesting to the fact that this collection company avoided service.

    I do not think the courts would look to kindly on this, so my attorney and i are looking at the next step. What do you Think?? Have any of you ever tried to sue a collection company and they HID from you?? Even from the SHERIFF?
  2. fun4u2

    fun4u2 Well-Known Member

    did you check their statutory agent for process? you
    can not just serve the corp.

    I once encountered a similar situation with a dirty Ca who avoided the process server.

    but I found that the AG and dept of financial institutions can investigate the matter ,

    they also have the authority I am told to revoke their business license & freeze their assets so that cosumers like yourself can obtain montary damages
  3. brother

    brother Member

    Yes, they did try to serve the REGISTERED AGENT with the corp. then they tried the employees, not once but several times, And not just one process servier, also with the COUNTY SHERIFF.

    Of course i have an ATTORNEY and hes handling it. hopefully this will scare them good.
  4. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    Your attorney should petition the Court to serve them by Publication. Let hem avoid THAT service. Publicatoopn means publishing the summons in the newspaper a certain number of times and proving to the Court that it was done. Obviously you need the Copurt's permission to start the process.

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