They attached my mom's acct!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by morton, Jan 19, 2005.

  1. morton

    morton Member

    There's a judgement against me for $3200. I just got a notice that they are attaching the bank account of my mom. I am allowed to sign checks for her (she's elderly) but it's not my money and it's not under my SS#. She also had nothing to do with the cc acct. in question. Help!
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    you need to go to court and get an order to show cause from the judge to restore your mother's funds.

    you must prove the amount of money in that account that comes from her sources (Social Security?) and that she is an innocent party.

    you need to convince the judge that you can sign checks , etc. but the source of the funds are your mother's not yours.

    you might want to have an attorney do this

    good luck!

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