RE: I killed your puppy! roflmaopimp!! I swear I saw something like this on lifetime... and they still don't know who killed the puppy
RE: I killed your puppy! This could be a case of what some call "ethnic succession." As the ethnic composition of a neighborhood changes, people may move in whose culture does not prohibit eating dog meat. Latwanna, maybe they ate your puppy?
RE: They Killed My Puppy!!! I hereby place this post in the Hall of Fame. Not CCN Steve's laundered version, but the real Hall of Fame. If a post is really famous, you don't need to post links to it. It will usually be at the top of the charts anyway, by popular demand. Vox Populi, Vox Dei...
RE: They Killed My Puppy!!! In a message dated 8/27 << For crying out loud, the thread that won't die. spyguyjim | ============ But; the puppy did! >>
Re: I killed your puppy! Even after three years, this makes for compelling reading. A classic "Man Bites Dog" story.
Re: I killed your puppy! Back by popular demand... This thread has gotten over 300 clicks lately. We need to give The People out there what they really want to read.
Re: I killed your puppy! A gripping thread revealing the full range of human will always be at or near the top of Page One.
Re: I killed your puppy! Another hundred hits! Phenomenal! If this post hadn't been hidden for so long, it would easily have 50,000 hits by now.
Re: Re: RE: I killed your puppy! As usual, california came up with this looney idea first. All the yuppies meet after work and on weekends at the doggie parks. The city can fund doggie parks while the local library has to have bake sales and scrape for funding because they don't have enough money. Pathetic
Re: I killed your puppy!! Now closing in on 3000 hits, this thread has achieved unforgettable greatness. No need for any more posts, except to bump a thread that the vast majority wants to read...
Re: I killed your puppy!! When this thread is given an equal opportunity with all the others, it attracts far more attention from visitors. So here's an equal-opportunity bump...
Re: I killed your puppy!! Well, this historic post has accumulated 3097 hits so far. I predict 3200 within a week. Each bump is usually good for another 100 quick hits. At your service,
Re: Re: I killed your puppy!! i can't believe this person had the guts to originally post that. good reading though.. my fish died the same day a bill collector called me last year, do you think they came out and poisoned his water??????
Re: Re: I killed your puppy!! I am curious whether Latwanna knows her post is still circulating...hmmm...
Re: I killed your puppy!! Yes, LBrown, I'm sure. It's now at 3223 hits. That's 126 hits since I bumped the post two days ago.
They ate your puppy!! They're everywhere now, and they're eating dogs as never before. America isn't what it used to be.
Puppy Power!! It has recently come to my attention that certain unscrupulous individuals have attempted to imitate this thread, thereby diverting public attention from Latwanna's heartrending cry for help. It won't work. The American public is far more concerned with puppies than with turtles or Experian. Therefore, given the opportunity, the silent majority out there will always prefer this thread over its rivals. I will be so bold as to predict that, given the importance of puppies in American life, this thread will eventually become the most popular in the history of Creditnet. Puppy Power guarantees it.