I've been trying to pay this lawyer firm for an old debt but they refuse to mail me a letter with their address and amount like they originally did. I first got this letter on their letterhead showing address, phone number and amount and all that. But they refuse to send a new one by mail. They want to fax one. I don't have access to a fax and am not driving almost 50 miles to one. Why do they refuse to send it by mail? I offered to send them a self addressed stamped envelope and they said they don't need that they need a fax number. Then they say I see you refuse to pay. I told them I have the money now. They insist I pay over the phone and they can't mail the letter because it would cause a delay. I've been asking for this since the middle of may. They've had plenty of time to mail it. Isn't this illegal or something. I've called a lawyer myself and am waiting to hear from him.
I think that's BS. What they want is for you to make a phone payment where you would have to reveal your banking information. Don't ever fall for that. Have someone you know call them and ask for their complete address. Let this other person BS them that he/or she wants a consultation regarding a matter.