They won't settle!! RE:court 19th

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Nov 15, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Alright hubby has Tuesday off!!! He just called the CA he was bounced around to about 10 different people and finally some guy comes on and says "we won't accept that offer" and hangs up on him!!

    I am sooooooooo nervous, the only good thing is these bills are already paid so they can't come after us for them!

    My question is do you need a denial letter from the creditors OR is the inquiry on your report enough?

    We were denied an apartment last year and they only told us verbally WHY (hubbys report) but because of it out rent is $800 instead of $650. We also pay our own heat and Hot water unlike the other place. THATS A LOT OF MONEY!

    I have a feeling we will fail miserably, but I am looking forward to the experience!

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