Hello - about three years ago I asked CCCS to go to my creditors, ask for interest rate reduction (sky high) and payments schedule reduction - (This was after they flatly refused to deal with me contrary to what financial advisers say..) Anyway, while they were supposedly sending out the contracts to be signed and agreed upon, CCCS told me NOT TO PAY my creditors and when they called I told them that. No one ever seemed to be on the same page. Needless to say, what I now have on my credit report are two remaining cc companies showing 120, 150 or 13 x 30 day lates!- all resulting from the late start with CCCS! I have struggled for three years to get this straight and two are stubbornly refusing to change lates, each blaming each other and me, even though I was not allowed to participate during start-up. My credit looks awful and I am even afraid to apply for sub-prime cards - (I think I should get two to start re-establishing credit). I have been paying on time and paid off over 15K is three years. Any suggestions on what to do with the credit report mess and best company(s) to apply with now? Thanks
I wrote the original question. I do not understand the response, scores, or who wrote it. So if anyone has some solid and sensible information for me, I would still appreciate it. Thanks
Whyt are you recit scores from Experian Equifax and Transunion? You need to find that out before anyone here can help you.
My credit scores are not the issue here. It is that the cc have registered late payments due to CCCS (now Sringboard) and they will be on for quite some time. I just want them OFF while working on scores. So, again, I am considering small claims court. Has anyone tried this? By the way, what are all of the scores following the response. Who's are they and where did they come from? I am new to this site. Thanks,