Third time around

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sandymwp, Dec 8, 2006.

  1. sandymwp

    sandymwp New Member

    Quick question! I am receiving phone messages from a company, NCO Financial. They have evidently purchased a debt. They are the third company that has contacted me. I asked for debt validation from the first two and never got a response. They evidently just sold it to the next company. Well, I am on the third and getting ready to fire off the validation request.

    What is the likelihood that this company will respond after the first two didn't?

    Thanks for your response.
  2. dch8ter

    dch8ter Well-Known Member

    I have had success sending them a DV. Usually get a letter back stating that they are stopping collection efforts and deleting any info they may have placed with the CRA's, and that the account is now closed in their office. Good luck!

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