they are based out of CA. I am not affiliated with them in any way whatsoever, just wanted to hear if anyone know anything at all about them (her).
She's cute! She can work on my staff. Don't much like this line tho: "Please do not confuse our services with a credit repair company. Only attorneys can legally negotiate with creditors and credit reporting companies. "
Well, in any event, she might be good for a scare tactic. A strongly worded letter from a lawyer on the firm's letter head would probably do wonders in a lot of the less serious reporting problems. It would depend on how much she charges for her services. I agree with breeze, I would want to see some past history before I would rely on her in court though.
Butch, Yes she is cute, but do you want a lawyer that has had her credit card denied?? I would hate think that my Credit Lawyer had worse credit than me.
Okay, I have to chuckle. Uhm, Kid...if you are ignoring Butch, which is what [ ] means because that is what you see when you have someone on ignore, then you wouldn't be able to see what he posted in order to quote it. LMBO...I've now officially contributed to this nonsense, but it just struck me as so funny for some reason. L Kid Slick | 105 posts since Dec 2002 | 12.12.2002 @ 00:40 quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Butch She's cute! She can work on my staff. Don't much like this line tho: "Please do not confuse our services with a credit repair company. Only attorneys can legally negotiate with creditors and credit reporting companies. " -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- []