Why can't they take 10k and make it an R1? Maybe I am just a little miffed but if you pay, you should get rewarded, if you don't, then pay for the bad credit. According to her, she was late. Not running from the debts. I just think she should be getting more for her money.
Most prime creditors just won't. Where did you get the idea that having a BK removed later on would be easier than having an R7 removed?
TM, This "dialogue" is actually giving me some hope. Maybe I can can get this deleted later on...What do you think?
I'm not saying it can't be done but you have a better chance of removing an R7 than a BK. How many people here have had Bks removed versus tradelines/COs deleted? It's not even close.
You are oversimplifying it. It's not that easy. I know from experience - there isn't that much to dispute on a BK and it's usually fairly accurate.
I am? I don't feel that I am, everything I send is pretty simple, geesh, just look at my posts and I seem to be pretty successful at getting things taken care of. I guess I need to throw out more legalese so I can be elite. I don't think so, Susanna is clearly frustrated at all the information she is recieving and is clearly upset that she is getting a crappy credit rating for paying the debt. I would be also. I am defending her feelings and her best interests as I would want someone to do the same with me. I hope she doesn't make the same mistakes I did when I first started to pay back debts. Luckily I got smart real quick and read alot. To answer your question, susanna, Not on my credit report no, but on someone elses I was successful.
I'm not disputing your successes but you are trying to make a case that disputing a BK of of one's credit report would be easier than getting rid of an R7. I don't see the logic. How many people here have been successful in removing a legitimate BK versus those who have gotten legitimate R5's, R9's, etc?
It is possible to get bk's deleted. But, it is not easy. I got mine removed, and the last one took 6 disputes over the course of a year. And I was lucky.
I would have to agree with you there. I have never filed for BK and never will. It seems to me that a BK stays with you whereas an R7 can be easily disputed. I have disputed near 20 that have come off from the 3 bureaus since the last week in Jan until now. I would never go into BK for any reason. So many people file for such little debts and the thing that I have seen is that there are long lasting repercussions from it. Yes, some people on this board have been able to get the BK off but think about how many years they had to live with it on their reports and what credit privileges they were denied and high interest rates they had to pay because of it. Some people have the same problems and use the same solutions and get different outcomes. Just something to think about...
LKH, You know my story I think. I am about to hand over 8K for an R7 rating mostly because I don't want to be sued. If I settle this account, do you think I have a fair chance of disputing it off? You are one of the sage advisors here -- tell me what is your opinion?
Susana, I see several threads about this settlement stuff and alot of posts so I thought I would just ask you without searching through...in your settlement discussions, have you attempted to negotiate the deletion of the derogatory listing in return for payment (partial or full)? or have you just assumed for 8K they will sue rather than negotiate anything off the report. I hope you have not been asked that over and over and I apologize if you have. Also there will be LOADS of conflicting advice here ... heck its free wadda you expect but the folks here all have opinions, advice, and answers and are only trying to share...the reason it is free is that now YOU have to filter through it to see what is best for you. Most of it is great advice so hopefully you will get the help you are looking for in the end. -Peace, Dave
Dear Susanna, With such a large amount at stake ya know what I would do? I'd throw 300 bucks at a good lawyer and follow his/her adivce. Just make sure they lnow FDCPA/FCRA extremely well. Good luck,
There is always a chance of getting derogs deleted. Usually, the creditor just doesn't respond. Even if you don't, I would rather have an R7 than a bk showing. If you dispute it and it doesn't get removed, you can always try again. Which ever way you decide, if you couldn't get a bk or an R7 deleted, the bk will be with you for 10 years, the R7 for 7 from the date of last activity. Don't forget that paying on an already charged off acct does not change the date of last activity.
If I were considering to settle for this large of an amount, as it appears you are ("I am about to hand over 8K for an R7"), that would be most excellent advice to consider. -Peace, Dave Heck I wouldnt even pay 8K for an RX7 ) just kidding you know the Mazda... LOL