This board is for Credit Issues

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MikeB, Oct 24, 2001.

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  1. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Yeah, and you gotta admit it sounds classier than "Sole Proprietor" or "Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.
    I think you would find a lot of people around here who know better than that last statement.

    Yes, but I do maintain bank accounts in both names and others as well, and in banks both off and on line.

    Now why do you want to make people spend $5 and all that time and increase the amount of taxation we Oklahomans have to pay for by making the poor Secretary of State do all that work for nothing when I can just simply scan the proper documents from the Secretary of State showing that I am registered with them for both business names and put them on creditwrench&#153 if you or anyone else would like to see them. But please don't give our state government any more excuses to tax us some more. Oklahoma is already the 47th poorest state in the nation and we can't stand much more taxation. Sheesh! Give the poor State of Oklahoma a break for heavens sakes.
    Yep. It sure is. My wife and S.W. Bell ganged up on me with that one. As you may know, she is Hispanic and does not pronounce her English all that well. I told her to go put the telephone on 6 years ago now and she did. Southwestern Bell thought she said Power instead of Bauer and it's never seemed important.

    Creditwrench&#153 is growing so fast that we are going to be needing much bigger quarters before long. Hopefully I can keep from moving into larger and more affluential digs for the business until after the holidays but it's real cramped right now and we keep on getting in more and more people all the time. I have a rather large building on the edge of downtown OKC, but it's jam packed too and it looks like I may very well have to construct new digs for that as well. There sure isn't room for a new and rapidly expanding tenant in that building anymore and anyway it's in a rather remote location compared to what CreditWrench&#153 is going to need. It needs a street with a lot of trafic and a big parking lot on it.

    It just takes time. Rome was not built in a day.

    I hope this helps clear up your questions.......
  2. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    That was a complete joke.

    Please note the 'just kidding' at the end. It was pretty in-tune with the whole thread... 'mocking' common sense.

    I'm about as laid back as it'd have to do something pretty rude to get me mad (and yes, it has been done can check the history for that).

    I seriously doubt Matty thought I was serious...he seems like quite an intelligent guy.

    If he get's mad, we'll just ground him and send hin to his room.


  3. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Uhhhhh, lbrown59, did you miss that Shawn said "just teasing, Matty"...? You get no credit for that posting.

    While I've got the mic, however, I'd like to give credit to Shawn for his very funny song (and I concur with Quixote that it's somewhat disturbing as well in a mildly neurotic way). Credit is also granted to Quixote for his peter anecdote. Finally, credit is extended to Bkev for discovering a very cool reverse phone directory, irrespective of his evil intent. I'm all about credit tonight because I took MikeB's parting words to heart, and for that we must grant him credit as well (a $200 CCB credit line).

  4. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    One should not get too mad around here. If they do, they might not be able to wear the same clothes to get glad in they wore to get mad in.

  5. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    By the way, Bkev, perhaps you didn't realize that "Bernarda Power" is to Oklahoma what "Georgia Power" is to the state of Georgia. Actually, the true name of the Georgia-based utility is "Georgia Bauer" but they have trouble pronouncing that in Atlanta, so the more well-known name stuck.


    P.S. I want some "credit" for this posting, so I won't disturb the credit police.
  6. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Actually Bill... I'm sure the $5 is a revenue producer to help pay for the staff in OK. Most states give away the information for free including some with internet access.

    I'm also sure that you can understand if people want to independently verifiy the information.
  7. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    And I have to give credit to Bill, who in his own testy way, always (well almost always, anyway) manages to stay good humored in the face of skepticism and accusations.

    Oh, yes. And to PsychDoc for the Georgia Bower schtick. Had me hook, line and sinker.
  8. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    I can not tell you how to run your business Bill, but how do you expect people to find you if you're not listed in the telephone book.

    You could also understand why a consumer might see an incorrect listing as a raising a red flag when dealing with a company over the internet right?

  9. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    I'd like to give some credit to the first amendment which we all are able to exercise here on a daily basis... and say shame-shame-shame for jumping anyone who dares to voice an opinion that differs from yours....

    Everyone has a right to an opinion... and to voice it here... It's not a cult.....
  10. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Thank you George.

    I have to agree with the words of our great president, George Bush when he said,
    Errrrrr something like that anyway.
  11. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Bkev, if you keep talking about the First Amendment that way I'm going to have to get personally insulted and leave forever in a big huff but only after throwing a tantrum and insulting everyone. And lemme tell ya, that won't be very pretty. So watch that First Amendment talk.

  12. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    It would be a loss Doc, one that I personally would miss, but if that's your option....
  13. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member


  14. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member


  15. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Most of my business comes from word of mouth from happy customers who tell their families, friends, neighbors,associates at work, at church and other places they go. My customers keep demanding business cards to pass out so fast I can hardly keep them printed up.

    I also have a 4 foot illuminated sign in the back window of my car. It's like the kind the banks and some stores use where the messages scroll across the screen from right to left. It's got 4 inch letters rolling across the screen and you can see that sucker for &#188 mile at night and people pull up along side me at night and start honking because they want to know what CREDITWRENCH[color]&#153[/color] is all about.

    Sometimes it gets so bad I can hardly get to where I'm going. And if I park at a restaurant or a Wall-Mart, people are standing there looking at that sign wanting to know if I can help them with their problems when I come out. I park it in my yard and leave the sign running all night and people come knocking on my door wanting to know if I can help them out.

    Yes, I can. And I thank you for caring enough to worry that I might miss out on a customer or two as you do. It's awful considerate of you. You are indeed a fwell seller. (errrr swell feller.)

    Right! I never run into skeptics on the streets. They just have a problem and are glad to find someone to help them out. I do, however, run into an occasional skeptic on the internet.

    Tell me something since you are trying to be so helpful.

    Why is it that when the average man on the street with problems knows a good deal when he sees or hears of one, we always seem to have a few skeptics on the internet who just can't seem to add 1 and 1 and come up with the right answers and so they run around trying to poke holes in everything?

    Do you think it might be that those kinds of folks are just looking for ways to create and hate and discontent? Or are they just looking for ways to be disruptive? Do you think they might actually get their jollies that way?

    Inquiring minds might like to get the opinion of a real expert on that subject.
  16. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Are you using for your reverse directory? That is one of my favorites....

    Now, when you 'really' want to start finding out good stuff, I'll show you a few little secrets.....

    'Bill' is a good sport, you do have to give him 'credit' for that. But, this board can be a little rough at seems everyone has had to 'pay' the piper at least once.

    And to give MikeB some 'credit', he did start one of the most popular threads in a long time... no 'disputing' that...will we be forever in his 'debt'?

    I know Doc has been 'Aspire'ing for a long thread himself.....keep trying Doc, you'll get one to meet our 'approval', you just have to 'apply' yourself. then , next thing you know, you'll have one go '30' posts, '60' posts, '90' posts, then just 'charge off'. I know you have a good idea 'pending' in that brain of your somewhere, and I have a feeling we will see it within '7 to 10 days', no 'deny'ing that. You're really a 'smart chip' off the ole' block.

    And GEORGE, he's the 'Capital One', right. I think that's neat. I think he stays on pretty good 'terms' with everyone here.

    This board does give us a chance to share all our views....that is a good thing about being a US Citizen...."Americans Express" their point of views whenever they want. I am just glad Creditnet doesnt have an 'Annual Fee'. It is just too 'interest'ing to not drop in. I know it has given me a new 'lease' on life. I am so glad I 'dicover'ed it! And that PBM gives us 'Carte Blanche' to post!


  17. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I guess 17 years is enough time, lol! I did register to vote last week, so that is a start. As far as homework, I didn't have any tonight, I usually get it done at school (don't know why the teacher calls it homework!). Potty mouth, that's a good one, lol!
  18. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Glad you took it the right way, Matty......

    I can't speak for everyone, but I'm willing to bet most of us here would love to be your age again, knowing what we know now, and being in the situation you are in.

    Now, I know when I was 17 and people said that, I would always shrug it off. Now I am 29 and getting older everyday and wish I had listened.

    Now, time is running out, get the heck off the computer and go do some underage chicks before you turn 18!!!!!! The computers are going to get better and faster and cheaper as you get older, the girls are not!!!!

    (ducking and running)

    (seriously- just teasing guys, don't kill me)

  19. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    I find that most often the people who take offensive to bringing information to the masses are the exact type of people who are trying to mislead them in the first place....

    I'm not saying that attacking Collection Agencies, waiting to pounce on a FDCPA violation is not a valid means of credit repair, but I've said it before... you have to work different methods in different situations... no one method works all the time... no matter who puts a 100% Satisfaction guarantee on it.

    Frankly, Bill, you're starting to loose a little of that high status of expert with me... You claim that you've tried the methods that most of us use without any success and that is why you changed methods, but you've we've seen you make some beginner MISTAKES lately when giving advice about dealing with the credit reporting agencies and even original lendors...

    I don't think it's any big surprise that I will not be a creditwrench customer.... I know people can do it by themselves without paying anyone monthly...

    As a consumer, I do research anyone who I choose to do business with... Even if I were looking into hiring a credit repair (or whatever you want to call yourself) expert, given all the false promises found on the net, I would have major red flags raised with a company that spams a discussion board, never pays for advertising, doesn't have a listed telephone number, bullys people who disagree with him, who we never hear/see from another member of his company....

    But most of all Bill.... I'd have a problem with a credit repair expert who can not get an increase in his secured credit card with Capital One... Doesn't sound like much of an Expert to me....

    If you have a problem with people spreading the truth... and keeping debates on the issues... I'm sorry, but you'll have to get over it....
  20. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Geez, you have been single for a while, haven't you?
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