This board is for Credit Issues

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MikeB, Oct 24, 2001.

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  1. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re: Great Advice, Realbad.

    Thanks for sharing Breeze... I thought as much considering all the different locations I've "signed onto" creditnet from...

    So, I guess until two people show up in chat at the same time, we're not going to have a firm answer... of course, now thinking about it... you could have one person with two computers log into chat, so that wouldn't really work either........
  2. chelechele

    chelechele Well-Known Member

    OOOHHHHH......hmmmmmm (deep in thought) LOL We haven't had a good rabble-rousing around here in a while.....Sounds like this board is for pissing contests also.....BRAAAHAAAAA....sorry...didn't mean to be snappy....Te enough is on a vendetta :) OOPS!!!! Off the credit subject!!!! yes Erica, we are young...and full of LIFE!!! Vibrant young women.....hmmmm....I guess I will run for cover in case there is any retaliation!!!! LOL
  3. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I didn't know there was anything wrong with being young, vibrant women. As a matter of fact, don't most guys like young, vibrant women? Just checking.

    Chele, you kill me. :)
  4. chelechele

    chelechele Well-Known Member

    Yup Erica...young vibrant least that's what dirty old men like.......HAHAHAHA I kill me too!!!
  5. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Would you two young-uns mind defining 'vibrant'?

    Shawn (not dirty or old)
  6. chelechele

    chelechele Well-Known Member

    Sorry...I have no pictures to show or too many words to describe.....the only thing I can say is that I have to be "full of life" if I can take care of a 9 month old, work full time AND attend school, while she wakes me up 3 or 4 times a night. At the same time....Work dilligently on credit issues.....OOOHHH....See? I mentioned the word "credit" in this post......Does that count? HMMMMMM....LOL
  7. chelechele

    chelechele Well-Known Member

    Well, wait....Breeze has my pic.....but it is sealed...
  8. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you are doing a good job! you deserve all the 'credit' you can get!

  9. chelechele

    chelechele Well-Known Member

    Well, thank you :)
  10. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

  11. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    I'm not a dirty old man, I'm just a sexy senior citizen

  12. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Yes, I have Chele's picture!! Woo Hoo!!

  13. chelechele

    chelechele Well-Known Member

  14. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    awww, left out again....

    I have seen Breeze and Bill, though. That's a start.

  15. chelechele

    chelechele Well-Known Member

    We could be talking about a picture of a never know....HAHAHA I kill me!!!
  16. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    I'm still waiting for credit on the guacamole.

    Happily married to The Lovely Mrs. Quixote, so I'll go back to hiding behind the couch.
  17. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Then why do you put that funny looking guys picture on your web site?????


    Sorry, Bill, Couldn't resist!

  18. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    I couldn't resist either. Go look and see for yourself.

  19. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

  20. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Good advice I'll take it:
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