...probably a little off-topic, but this is the second time this month I've seen this: every now and then, when you enter FNBM's website, instead of seeing their home page, you're treated to a login screen to their web/app server, with the "sa" login pre-filled (for non-geeks, "sa" typically stands for System Administrator), although the password and server fields are blank. Web technologies aren't my forte, but I'm guessing that this still isn't what the general public is s'posta see. Anybody else see this happen? wajaba
The "sa" account is Microsoft's default System Administrator login for SQL server (I'm a computer dude). That definitely is not what the public should be seeing. I've never seen it.
That's pretty funny...isn't the "sa" password for MS SQL Server blank by default, like after a new installation? At any rate, not very confidence-inspiring on the part of FNBM's systems security (such as it is). wajaba