This Is Why We Check Every Day

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Quixote, Aug 1, 2002.

  1. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Just got this e-mail from the guy at Experian (who knew they work Saturdays?):

    Mr. Quixote,

    The Chevron account is reporting on both you and your wife's file as Closed/Never late with a zero balance. I have mailed you and your wife a current report noting the status of the account.

    I will be out of the office August 5 - 7 on vacation. If you should have any further questions about your report, please call 1-800-(New-Nmbr)(I'll forward this to Nave also) and be sure to have your most recent Report Number ready before calling.

    Thank you.
  2. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    Congrats! And who woulda thunk they worked Sats?
  3. msb212

    msb212 Well-Known Member

    I always suspected they did -- 30 days isn't business days, so it mkes sense...

    by the way, Quxote, thanks for the name/number -- my report seems to be corrected as of this morning as well! (though for some reason the scor isn't updated yet)
  4. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I'm pleasantly surprised that they dealt with this on a Saturday.

    One of Lily Tomlin's lines in a truly great one woman play, The Search For Signs Of Intelligent Life In The Universe, was "No matter how cynical you become, it's never enough to keep up." There are few greater truths.

    I sometimes feel like I'm playing that silly carnival arcade game where you stand there holding a mallet, waiting for the stupid bunny to poke it's head up through one of the holes (except you don't know which hole it's going to pop up from) and you're supposed to smash his skull with the mallet. On that note, I guess I'll just keep scanning my reports every day and keep a mallet nearby.

    I'll post a note when I see it confirmed in my online reports.
  5. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    You're certainly welcome. Glad to help.

    After seeing your post, I decided on a lark to check again, because I had not actually downloaded the report, only looked at the CE Score page, which still said 639. Thought maybe I would have the same luck; ie score hasn't changed yet, but the report has.

    Well, guess what? In the two hours since I checked this morning, not only has the report been corrected, but my score is back up to 687. The score history chart does not show it ever having dropped to 639. No new inquiries, so it looks like it was caught in time.

    I'm not much into Happy Dances, but maybe a Victory Lap is in order?
  6. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Congratulations, Quixote!
  7. msb212

    msb212 Well-Known Member

    Good work Q. Sadly, my score is now updated, adn it's moved up, but not as far as it was -- it was at 667, dropped to 649, then for some reason the creditor, FUSA, pulled an unrequested hard Inq, dropping it further to 647. Now it's at 655 -- I think it may be because the account, though now showing up in the positive section, is listed as in dispute. So I guess the positive tradeline is not being factored in, and it's an important one since it's my only CC which is not completely maxed out.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same. Whack-A-Mole, indeed.
  8. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Molto bummer msb. Keep up the fight...Smack them bunnies.
  9. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Wow. That is the quickest I have ever heard of those morons updating. Great job!! Glad it worked out.
  10. msb212

    msb212 Well-Known Member

    It never ends. Just pulled TU, and the same FUSA account just showed up again with 1 30 day late. I am getting so tired of this nonsense. Score dropped 40 points. Refi back in jeopardy, since bank looks at lowest score. I am beginning to think FIGHT CLUB had the right idea, when Brad Pitt blows up the credit bureaus and all their records.

    Anyone have a number/fax no. of someone at TU who can expedite when the proof is there? I am going out of my mind with this garbage.
  11. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Now that Chevron is squared away, I decided to take full advantage of the newfound Experian Consumer Special Assistance group in Texas who will actually talk to you and help where they can.

    I have no real "derogatory" listing left on Experian now. But, my Citibank MC has no CL listed. Since it has a substantial balance, this makes my credit usage look to be 100% of available credit. I'm using way more than I would want, but nowhere near 100%, so this is suppressing my score somewhat. I called them up and talked with one of the ladies and sent her a fax of my most recent statement. She says it should all be taken care of by this afternoon. She will also list my recent $1000 payment. Hopefully this will boost my score over 700 before the mortgage inquiry.
  12. davrayelle

    davrayelle Member

    I just noticed that I have 15 collections reinserted into my Equifax file.They are all duplicates from medical bills where the insurance took it's time to pay. Although they are showing as paid, I am so mad that they were duplicated. The OC said it's Equifax's fault. Equifax says it's OC's fault. I couldn't get anywhere with either one of them so I had to start an investigation which is going to take 30 days. It's been on there since June, but I didn't notice since I just look at the one's I can dispute. Isn't there anything we can do about this? 15 added collections would hurt anybodys score.

    TU 548
    EQ 517
    EXP 582
  13. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    I'd be talking to them (the OC) very seriously about the repurcussions of Neson v Chase Manhattan. If you don't know about this yet, do your homework. Run a search here and at Google. Great stuff. Bottom Line: The OC is liable for the accuracy of anything on your credit report that has to do with them. At a minimum of $1000 per infraction, they're going to be out some coin if they don't play ball. You might want to start researching on Find a local atty who specializes in FCRA work and list him or her as a cc on everything you send back and forth to them. Maybe even just list David Szwak as the cc on you correspondence. They will have heard of him, and, if they haven't, they can find out about him very quickly in a web search.

    Welcome to the board, BTW!
  14. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Important spelling error; should have read Nelson v Chase Manhattan.
  15. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I would like your opinion.....please.

    In Nov. of 2001 I PFB'd Cap One regarding a PAID charge off i had with them from 98. Mr Cooke agreed to change it to an R5, settled as agreed. It boosted my score A LOT, seeing as it's my last derog.

    In Feb or March it changed back to R9, PFB'd again, he fixed it again.

    In April, changed again, PFB'd he fixed it.

    Now in early July it changed again and at the time I was house hunting (while on vaca), I pulled my report saw it freaked out and immediately called Mr Cooke (sent PFB but didn't wait for return email).

    Told him the situation, he said he would send a 72 update (meaning taking a total of 72 hours to fix), he pulled EXP (when I told him it was wrong on EQU), and so far it's not fixed.

    I sent him ANOTHER PFB last week saying "For the love of God fix it!!"

    I have a million reports some saying PIF charge off, settled charge off, settled for less than balance 120 days late, etc.

    Should I send another PFB and make a note regarding Nelson v. Chase? I've asked him MANY times just to delete it cause it's almost 5 years old and is being such a hassle, he said "I can't, but I CAN honor the R5 as agreed".

    I have NOTHING in writing regarding this (I'[ve asked 3 times for him to fax the UDF he's agreed everytime, but never sent it.)

    What would YOU do?
  16. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Sounds remarkably like my saga with Cap1 (link1, link2). Eugene Cooke is a pretty reasonable guy. Basically you need to get him to understand that you've been reasonable, he's been reasonable, everybody's been reasonable, BUT THE PROBLEM STILL ISN'T FIXED!!! Start talking openly about Nelson v Chase Manhattan and its' implications for OC's who report incorrect information. Tell him how much you don't want to sue (If you really wanted to, you already could have, right?), but if you have to, well, you have to. Do you have any cc or other credit turn downs you can attribute to Cap1's errant listing (read damages)? This is about more than credit cards. This is about your ability to keep a roof over yourself and your family. You can't afford to let good manners get in the way. Read both the links I gave you above. It worked like a charm for me and it wasn't a trick or deceptive in any way. It was the truth. I would have sued. Cap1 was leaving me with no choice. Cap1 would have lost and Mr. Cooke knew it. I think you have the same type of facts and the same arguments available to you. Use them the same way, and be mentally prepared to sue. Make sure he knows you are prepared.

    I can't tell you how much I'm rooting for you on this, cuz I been there.
  17. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Thank you. I am going to draft one last letter to Mr. Cooke, I too have many different reports stating MANY different things. Unfortunately I haven't saved any denial letters (specifically Juniper), but if need be I KNOW Juniper will deny me based on EQU, they did before.

    I feel a little uncomfortable talking about Nelson V. Chase, I've read it and for the most part understand it, but just a little nervous.

    I too, have told Mr Cooke, to just delete it and save us another 2-3 years of back and forth. I said "I'm tired of emailing and calling your office, and I am sure you are tired of hearing my voice." I've NEVER mentioned a lawsuit to him, but hell what's left?
  18. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Two things you need to know about Nelson.

    1. It makes clear that OC's are responsible and liable for the information they put on your credit report. If you suffer any negative consequences (such as a mortgage denial), the OC can be held liable. Look at the risk he's willing to let Cap1 take! What makes him think that it's not going to keep recurring even if he manages to fix it again? You're on, what? Round Four? Make it clear he's got two options, one has no cost and no risk---delete. The other has no cost and HUGE RISK. If you get denied for a home loan, guess who you're coming for? That's right. Cap1. CHA-CHING!

    2. The OC's, and specifically Mr. Cooke at Capital One knows well about it. I educated him myself.

    If you want to e-mail me offline, I'll give you my name and contact coordinates. When you next talk to Mr. Cooke, you can tell him you and he both know this guy in California who had the exact same problem recently with Cap1 not being able to get their listings straight. He'd be happy to testify if necessary about how Cap1 is incapable of reporting correctly. I have a great rapport with Mr. Cooke, but I'm certain he had no doubt my threats were not empty.

    This is a winnable battle.
  19. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Again thank you for your help.

    I honestly dont think I will get denied, I'm just concerned about a higher rate. Even a point higher can cause THOUSANDs in interest, I'm not willing to pay for someone elses error.
  20. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    That's exactly the kind of damages I'm talking about. That's actionable under Nelson. If you think about it, that IS a denial. Presuming this happens, you would be deemed a slightly higher credit risk, and thus be "denied" for the preferred rate. Actionable. And they know it.

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