this should be illegal - 4 collection accounts - same oc/time - under $500 total

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by venom999, Nov 27, 2009.

  1. venom999

    venom999 Member

    This angers me to no end. I have FOUR collection accounts on my credit file from a collection agency. Original creditor is the same for all (it's medical). They're for very low amounts ($45, 65, 180, 260). The origianl credit should not have reported these as distinct accounts in my opinion and the fact that they all show on my file is nuts.

    These are a few years old and they've been paid (less than full amount) for a few years also.

    I contacted each credit bureau and said they didn't all belong on my file and I wanted it proven that each was distinct. Experian and TransUnion deleted them quickly. I got a ltter today from Equifaq saying that they verified them, and they listed the amounts and balances.

    I'm not sure the best way to proceed. Equifaq says I can reply to them in 100 words or less and that any reply will be attached to my credit report. Should I reply and tell them that regardless of what the collection agency says that I want definite proof that each account is separate and valid? Or should I contact the collection agency and hassle them until they agree to delete them?

    This really should be illegal. Each "account" is for the same thing essentially, from the same time. Why on earth they created separate accounts for each is beyond me.
  2. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Equifax wants you to write a statement which means nothing.Dispute each one on its own with the creditor or ca.Demand that its only one account.
  3. venom999

    venom999 Member

    I don't think the original creditor will do anything? And I think they actually did set it up as 4 accounts. Which I'm sure is their right, no matter how ridiculous it may be.

    So I'm thinking I should go the "nutcase" route with the collection agency and demand everything in the world as proof that the accounts are valid. With the small sum in question they may just drop it.

    Any suggestions though as to what demand from them? Various records and such.

    Also, one concern -- both of the other CRAs deleted these accounts, apparently without verifying them at all (Experian deleted within about 4-5 days). Is there any risk that by contacting the CA that they may get re-reported back to my credit file at those two CRAs?
  4. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    That is a problem where you have to tread lightly.Since you talked on the [hone you can ask for the recordings dates of payments which should match your records,also remember that if its medical its also under hippa rules which cover different areas,so you have to check those laws!
  5. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    If they're four different accounts, then they can report them. Keep in mind it is the debt collector doing this. Ask them for validation and dispute them again with Equifax by data field such as date of last activity and balance. Dispute any field which is blank as incomplete.
  6. venom999

    venom999 Member

    jjgross, I haven't actually talked with them by phone since I paid them a few years ago.

    apex, I believe asking the CA for validation is not going to work, since I verified that the accounts are mine by paying them.

    The only possible errors on my credit report is 1) It says retail but it's medical, and 2) the dates, but it's only "first reported" dates, which could be any time after my original bills and still be valid.

    I think I have three options: nutcase with CA, asking the OC nicely to request that the CA delete, and fianlly nutcase with OC.
    I'm waffling on whether I should go nutcase with CA first, then asking the OC nicely, or the other way around. Last resort would be nutcase with OC.

    My main concern is that the CA will report the debts again to TU and Experian. If they do, will the CRAs accept them? Since they already deleted them?
  7. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    First because you paid they could be somebody with the same name.I think what ever you do your taking a chance of re reporting it.Anything can happen with a nut case letter also.
  8. venom999

    venom999 Member

    I was reading in another thread something about medical files being reported as retail by mistake, and that allows people to see the name of the original creditor? Against the rules of the HIPPA. If so can I use that as leverage to do something?

    BTW I've decided to try a nice letter with the OC first, before trying any nutcase letters. It would be ideal though to just get Equifax to delete.
  9. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    yes you can,there's another site where a person is pretty savy about hippa process.but that's all she knows.However my loyalty is to creditnet,as the only site who really helped me without being talked down to.and most the people who posted are pretty much right on with there posts.

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