September 17, 2004 XYZ Collection Bureau Name Attention: Xxxx Xxxx 123 Street St. City, ST 12345 Re: Response to your letters dated DATE1 and DATE2, 2004 Dear Xxxx Xxxx: I again thank you for your prompt response to my request for validation of account #â??s 12345, 23456 & 34567. I received Xyz letters dated DATE1 and DATE2, which included in internal print out of charges that Xyz claims that I owe. After reviewing this information, I am perplexed as to how this constitutes validation of a debt. For account 12345, you included an internal â??Patient statement of accountâ? with my name on it. With regards to accounts 23456 & 34567, you just included an internal print screen detailing the charges that are due. This information DOES NOT constitute validation of a debt. The FTC has issued an Opinion on this matter which basically states â??Mere itemizationâ? does not accomplish validation of a debt. All that has been provided to myself is just that, a â??mere itemizationâ? of charges. Per my original letter, you were asked to furnish me with a signed contract showing that I am responsible for these debts, in addition to a calculation of the amount that is claimed I owe. The information you included showed how the amount was calculated, but nowhere to be found was the signed contract. In my experience, anytime that I visited a medical center for treatment, I was required to sign a contract which authorized treatment and went over the contractual terms for payment of the services provided. Where is this contract? What is even more disturbing to me is the information contained in the internal print outs:, Account 12345, you have my name is listed, but the address listed that is not mine; With accounts 23456 & 34567, you have a completely different name listed on the internal print screens as the patient. In your letter, you asked that I advise your office of my intent on these debts. I would like to be clear on this matter. THESE DEBTS ARE STILL IN DISPUTE, AS YOU HAVE NOT PROVIDED VALIDATION THAT I OWE THESE DEBTS. Since you are not able to provide proper validation of these debts, it is requested that you immediately cease all collection activity with me on these accounts. It is also requested that you immediately file a retraction with any credit bureau that these debts have been reported to. It is further requested that you immediately send a letter to myself, advising that these accounts are not valid and that no money is owed to Xyz from myself. I am also requesting that you immediately send a copy of this letter to the company that you claim has placed this debt with you, so that they are aware of my dispute of these debts. Please be advised that by having the supposed debts listed on my credit bureau, you may be in violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. In addition, you may also be in violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. By being in violation of the above acts, Xyz is left open to civil liability! Should you need to contact me, you may call me for clarification of this letter and my stance regarding these supposed debts. All other correspondence needs to be sent to me by mail. Sincerely, Consumer --- Creditnet note: personal information removed
I'm not quite sure of your situation but the letter (and the points you touched on) are very well stated. Maybe someone with more experience came chime in and give you some more advice.
I prefer shorter and to the point so your message does not get lost. Is the "patient" you or someone you are responsible for? Do the services, or service date, check with treatment actually received? Does the address discrepancy indicate a crossing of records with another patient? Is insurance billing screwed up, due to patient identification errors? Pick your strongest and clearest basis for identifying erroneous billing.
Use shorter paragraphs. Each paragraph should make its own point. Systematic or time-ordered information should be organized in lists.
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