Threats to CA - wise or not?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by AdamsRib, Apr 12, 2005.

  1. AdamsRib

    AdamsRib Well-Known Member

    On another thread, someone advised me to send a debt validation letter to a CA.

    The one on file here contains the following language,

    "You should also be aware that sending unsubstantiated demands for payment through the United States Mail System might constitute mail fraud under federal and state law. You may wish to consult with a competent legal advisor before your next communication with me.

    Your failure to satisfy this request within the requirements of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act will be construed as your absolute waiver of any and all claims against me, and your tacit agreement to compensate me for costs and attorney fees. "

    Now, this CA is a big company so I assume they already know that.

    If not, why should I alert them? I'm concerned that if I put that kind of language in there it might just get transferred to their legal dept, rather than falling through the cracks.


  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    i have never included it in my DV's - just because i don't completely understand it enough to follow through |:):):)

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