Ticked at Target

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by anna, Apr 16, 2002.

  1. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    I am really ticked off. I PFB'd Target on my DH's behalf yesterday to ask for a rate reduction on his Target Visa. He recieved it 2 weeks ago. This morning I got an e-mail saying" no problem, here's your new rate." So i think, hummmmmmm now I'll do it on mine. I've had it 3 months, never late. Well, to make a long story short, I'm now involved in a pissing match with the rep who got my e-mail. My account is too new! We have exchanged 5 e-mails this morning and I'm ready to blow! If she tells me to call customer service one more time, I'm gonna drive out there and hunt her down!

  2. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    YOU GO, Anna

    Remember - the squeeky wheel........
    You be the loudest DAMN squeeky wheel Target has ever heard!! Good Luck
  3. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member


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