Hi all been gone for awhile but now I'm back. After following the great advice here, I finally qualified for a mortgage and we are now living in our dream house. However some problems still exist. #1 During the mortgage process, we were required to pay off several charged off accounts. That is over and done with and I have reciepts from all creditors. But is seems some of the tradelines have not been updated and are still showing a balance. Which communication would be most appropriate? I don't want to jump the gun with something inappropriate. #2 About 8 months ago I paid off, an old Cap 1 account that I settled with Mr. Cooke. TU reads "paid profit and loss" EQ reads"shared but otherwise undesignated" and "120+ past due." EX reads "Account legaly paid in full for less than full balance" Should I knockout or nutcase this even though I negotiated the payoff with Mr. Cooke? Thanks. Mediccc24
In my experience, after I had to pay everything off, I simply disputed all trade-lines 'not-mine' all have come off except 1 pd col. on Exp. You don't want them updated, you want them gone.