I thought they stayed on for 12 years if positive, but one that I didn't dispute with any of the CRA's was just deleted after 10 years. Can I request that they place it back on?
I don't know why but I swore I read on one of the procedure sheets from the CRAs that it was 12.. however I just dug out my TU sheet and sure enough, it says 10. 1. Could it be that one of the others does or are they all goverened by 10? 2. This one dropped off but I have others that were 10 years last Feb and are still there.... I want my +TL back! (waaaaaaa) lol
I have only one TL on my TU report. It was opened in 1981 and my DOLA was 1995 when the store went out of business. It still shows positive with a $0 balance. The FICO for some odd reason is 696 which I think is awfully high for an old unused account. It's not enough to get me a car loan even though my debt ratio is under 10%. Any dealer who just pulls TU still wants a deposit or to see a couple of recent trade lines along with the high score.
I may be mistaken, but I think you're score is probably at that because of the age of the account. Even though the store is OOB, is the account showing an "open" status? If it drops off as it's likely to do soon, won't your score for TU go through the floor? Maybe you can get a card.... even if just a small one from an OC that pulls TU only to keep that score.