To dispute or not to dispute....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lilo3326, Feb 15, 2006.

  1. lilo3326

    lilo3326 Member


    I have these TL that are confusing, because they are not listed in EQ as being negative, yet I
    dont't know if I should fight to have them removed because they do have some late pmts...

    They are as follows:

    New Century Mtg
    Open account
    Pays as agreed
    Opened in 2004
    2 30 day late pmts

    Chase Mortgage
    Closed account
    Pays as agreed
    Opened in 1992
    Several late payments
    I don't know if I should fight it because
    this is my oldest account, according to what I have read, how old my credit history is counts a lot....
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    On the currently open account, are the late payments accurate?

    Do your reports show the exact months they are reported late? Were they actually 30 or more days after the due date?

    I would expect an existing mortgage servicer to be more responsive in fixing erroneous reported information without removing the whole TL. It is in their interest to maintain the TL on an open account.
  3. lilo3326

    lilo3326 Member

    Yes these are real 30 day lates.

    The question is, how do I request to
    fix lates without them removing the
    entire TL
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    How old are your lates on the closed Chase Mortgage?

    You might see if the FICO simulator, available via, can tell you what negative effect the lates are having relative to the positive effect of the account history.

    For your recent mortgage, you might see if a goodwill letter will get them removed, especially if you have a good payment history since.
  5. lilo3326

    lilo3326 Member

    Thanks. I will do that....

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