I read your reference on the creditwrench board to me being part of their "scheme". If you will notice, I have been a member since March of 2001. I have posted as far back as then. I was here back when all the old crap was going on with "Bobby" and when PSU girl was here and on and on. I cant' belive that I've finally gotten the nerve to start asking questions and NOT feel bad about it and you go accusing me of being Bkev or his "scheme". Of course I can use quote, bold, color, italics and more, hell if you've been here 9 months of course you can. I've read and lurked alot. I even ordered the Guaranteed Credit book by Goldstein recommended by Roni back in May of 2001. So I will no longer ask questions so you won't have to accuse anyone of anything, but maybe you need the Psych Doc for your delusional, paranoid schizophrenic behaviors. Or maybe take some samples of Lithium, Zyprexa, Mellaril, navane or one of the anti-psychotic drugs. See, I'm not as dumb as you think I am, I'm in the medical field and deal with psych patients, substance abuse and mental retardation too. But I think you have crossed the line. Oh, by the way I almost sent a fax to you, like my AOL account summary that shows I've had the same AOL account since December 1999. Not a free 45 day trial!!! I will gladly email you my name, physical & mailing address along with SS# and DOB to show you I'm NOT one of them. But........is it worth it? Not to me, you just totally ruined my hope of ever getting any help on this board!!!
Christi, I'm truly sorry, and I just edited my post to reflect that. I think you are correct -- I would do well to treat my own paranoia. Please don't go away. Doc
CHRISTI, Do not allow this bs to keep you from asking questions on this board. It is a crying shame that us newbies get almost persecuted for asking some questions, but people can post about platinum cards and bt's with no problem. The bottom line is restoring your credit..... don't let them keep you away.... keep your eyes on the prize. Please email me privately if you need to talk.
There seems to be all this drama over what amounts to trivial bullsh**. I have argued for over a year and a half about certain people on this board developing "personalities" (most likely because they have no other life outside of this site) and giving out advice to newbies (what constitutes a newbie is suspect anyway because some people choose not to post, even though they may have viewed posts for much longer then their "member since" shows). Others tend to use this board for self promotion tactics (ie. creditwrench). Then we have the people that think they own this board and have there little clique. I know exactly how you feel Christy. Sean
Christi, I am shocked you bought that book. I thought I had truly insulted you when I recommended it. AND, if you were around when PSU girl was here, you know this board can be alot worse than it is now. So, brush it off, brush it off and use the resources here that are willing to help you. I CANT STAND SOME PEOPLE ON THIS SITE. I have my reasons for one thing or another. But it isnt important. I try my best to just avoid them and keep my nose clean. But dont get me wrong, that doesnt stop me from defending myself from personal attacks. And neither should you. But leave the board when you need it so much. Come on now! Sean, good post.
Yikes, Roni, I hope I'm not on your bad list. (Give me a sign, a free filling, something...) Christi, I want to reiterate my apology. Doc
I'm with roni, Christi. Forgive and forget. Don't go. doc wasn't attacking you personally - he thought you were someone else.
Yea Christi stay...stay. Ok now on to the important question: Where can I get me some of them anti-psychotic drugs? I think the Navane sounded cool as it does remind me of me. Either way, I am looking for something strong yet subtle...nothing chewable, it always tastes like Johnson's baby aspirin. Seriously, stick around. See how much we like you! Anyone who would buy and READ Roni's book can't be all that bad. -Peace, Dave
I know how to settle this place down. I got a bottle of Whaler's Original Vanille Rum. So creamy it tastes like A&W Cream soda all the way to the floor... Christy, you definite are entitled to a shot (not at Doc!). Doc, maybe you should take two. That's my prescription for peace and harmony and curing blurry accusations. Who else wants some?
Christi,you hang in there. I use to have a lot of disputes with PSUGIRL and others,but hopefully I have toned down my attacking nature. Something's take time,stick around and you can learn a lot,like I have. Best Wishes.
You're right Roni! I am taking this opp. to humbly return after my departure over the recent crap. Should have just ignored it. The useful advice, good people and opportunity to help others makes this place worthy of ignoring a bit of crap. Jeff
Welcome Back Jeff! Your leaving was a real loss for the board. Not too long ago I saw a thread where you and another member got into a snarling match, almost reminded me of the beginning of the BB/Bk war. But then you did something unique. You stepped back from it, made peace with the other poster, and set an example for the rest of us. We are all adults here, after all. Sad that we have to be reminded once in a while, but good that there was someone there to do it. There's definitely a full share of rum in it for you. And Breeze, you're always welcome at my bar.
Hey Christi, don't go... I'm in a similar credit boat and I learn alot from the questions you ask and the responses that come up. Don't let anyone stand in the way of your dreams.
I can't even imagine this board being any worse with the personal attacks and such. Don't go but go if you feel you must. I just ignore some people. I look at it as this. I am only here to repair my credit. So, everything else is secondary.
Betacredit, I agree. I like your "Knowledge is Power" signature, by the way. I'm surprised you don't also have CROA on your "gold list" as well -- it's also gold! (For those casually reading the thread who may not know, the CROA protects people against unscrupulous credit repair organizations.) Doc
Quixote, Thank you for your welcome and kind words. They are are appreciated. Glad to drink a rum with you. Jeff