Okay so last week I called and spoke with 2 reps one from Providian one from Getsmart..Explained 8 months of perfect payment history all other accounts in good standing and no cl increase..Both reps stated that they would put in a manual request of $1000 limit increase..Which they both did..Getsmart approved of $500 increase..Providian according to the notes on the computer stated that the secured accounts are not eligible for a cl unless I decided to deposit money in the savings account..Explained that is not what was not the offer I recieved when I opened up the account..Explained that my fiancee opened an account a month later than I did and she recieved the cl increase in Oct of $1000..How can this be ? She too has a secured card. The rep also told me that she did not understand this as well. She told me that the credit anaylst made the notation about secured cards not recieving cl increase..So I thanked her hung up..Found the old offer I recieved and called back..Another rep told me that apparently I just was not eligible at the time ? SHe did not know when I would be eligible again. FUNNY THING IS THAT MY GIRLFRIEND GOT TURNED DOWN BY GETSMART !!!! What the heck !!! My score has risen 47 points since I opened the accounts..I am going to Planet Feed Back the Hell out of them..Does the Anaylst not understand the offers that were sent out with the cards ?? Or is it due to their financial situation right now that they are changing the rules
Yeah. Welcome to my boat. So I sent two emails to Providian through planetfeedback and heard nothing. So I decided to give them a call today. After explaining to the rep on the phone that I have had an account for 8 months with no increase and a getsmart card for 7 months with no increase and I have always paid on time, more than the min due, was over the limit one time on one card due to a disputed charge, and have has nothing but positives on my bureaus for the last 12 months - she throws in that one month I did not use my card (charge in dispute. did not want to muddy the waters) and that meant that the clock for the 4 months of review time started over at this point. Same with my Getsmart card. When I put the Gold card away, I did the same with the getsmart card (figuring that I would pay it down some). So being upset I talked to a supervisor (HA HA) She tells me in a tone like she is doing me a big favor, that she can process a manual credit line increase request for 50-200 dollars (I was shocked and dismayed at her gall to offer such a low amount). Then, the topper - she procedes to tell me that I really should not accept that offer because I will take 6 months before I can be eligible for another increase. What the He** is wrong with these people. I did not take her offer. I plan on making someone's life there difficult until I get my way and they grovel (or at least until I get my way). So its not just you.
I tell you what I would was so tempted to tell them to go to heck. But the rep I talked with was really nice and they did give me a cl on my Getsmart Card which was opened a month after my gold card and oh by the way, I did ask the rep if they are cutting back on cl increases due to their current financial situation she stated that it could may be but she could not get into it any further so I thanked her and hung up..Just used PFB and will see what happens from here. If nothing is done by Jan I will just pay off the balance and hold on to the darn thing because it is my first account opened on my way to rebuilding.. But in my opinion their financial situation does seem to be a big part of the new policies that may now be in effect. I just wished they had told me that earlier instead of me having to bug them to find out what is going on
More Providian..This evening they had the nerve to ask me if I wanted their Visa Rewards Program..Told them to read my file and ask me again !!! There was silence and then I hung up HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Gosh they really piss** me off
Just to let everyone know this evening I recieve a certified letter from Providian Financial stating that the reason they denied the CL increase is that they are implementing a new system regarding cl increase and they will reevaluate my account once the system is in place..Signed Alicia Tombs Credit Department...What the heck is this about..Has anyone else recieved the letter ???? There is no time limit what so ever when I may ever recieve another cl....By the way they gave me a token increase of $100 WHOOPEE !!! At least on my Getsmart they gave me a CL increase of $200 and dropped my rate to 16.9%
I had my Providian account since 98. I paid for a few of their line increases in the past and I received periodic reviews resulting in small increases. Last month I get my first major line increase of $1000. PFB'ed them about a week ago and called today to complain about the APR. Was told my APR was just lowered to 16.9% per my request. Proceeded to tell me it their best rate currently. Still no grace period. I working on my Cap 1 Visa and MC to get high enough limits to transfer.
I hate providian too. Its such a hassle to actually get someone on the phone, having to listen to all their propaganda messages before being able to press a button. I cant wait til my Citi comes so I can tell them where to go!
Good going..My PFB stated nothing about what they would do for me due to the letter I sent them asking either for a Credit Limit increase or a rate reduction..But on my Getsmart they did bump me up by $200 and also dropped my APR to 16.9% due to me calling and complaining back in Nov..But what is the deal with their new approach to CL increases..I will call them in a few minutes to get a better answer ..
I'm still stuck in Providian He** so I envy all of you who have had recent success with them. Since my last post regarding what has been going on with my two accounts, I got a letter (UPS) basically restating the same credit line increase policies that I have heard time and again from customer service. It also had the name and number of a person to call in the executive office in case I wanted her to request a manual credit line increase, which by the way, will be another hard inquiry on your credit report. I called her and left a message saying that Yes, thank you for the letter but your still full of it. All I want is a yes/no answer and if the answer is no to my credit line increase request, what I need to do in the future to maximize my chances of getting one. Its been a week and she still has not called me back. Go figure. Going to call again tomorrow. The kicker is that I get another letter from someone else supposedly in the executive office yesterday saying that they did recieve my email from PFB and they were anxious to help me resolve my issue and I should be contacted shortly. We will see.