to initiate discovery or not???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cvp36, Apr 11, 2006.

  1. cvp36

    cvp36 Member

  2. Jenz2.0

    Jenz2.0 Active Member

    sorry, i can't help, just wanted to bump to top for you.
  3. cvp36

    cvp36 Member

  4. Always

    Always Well-Known Member

    How close is the nearest university law school in your area?

    Law schools offer free clinics and you'd be able to get some advice there. Just call the dean of the university, their executive assistant should be able to give you information.
  5. Bykuek

    Bykuek Member

    Michigan has R 205.1255 which is similar to Federal rule 33 allowing for interrogatories.

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