Thank you for taking the necessary steps to protect the purpose of this discussion board. And thank you for your (and this goes for anyone else in CreditNet administration) hard work in maintaining this website.
To PBM I only posted to help others get what I hope are valid contact addresses and phone numbers. Nothing more.
I STILL think it was funny. It is no more wrong then to dispute something on your report that is legit. I do LOVE Creditnet and do want to thank PBM as well, but not to prove that I was right and for self satisfaction. Note: It is MY right to think how I want to think. I didn't say that you have to agree.
Look for the thread that is closed. Not a big deal really. At least I didn't think so. I am still smiling.
Yeah, Bailey, somebody thought it would be funny if a bill collector received a bunch of calls from all over the country basically saying something like, "Hi, Melissa? I'm returning your call." Then, when Melissa began asking what the call was about, the answer was something like, "Heck, I don't know, you called me. Don't you know?" and so on. Of course this would make a very funny Candid Camera TV episode; on the other hand, in real life that kind of fun abridges someone's right to conduct their business. This was the telephone equivalent of what hackers on the net call a "denial of service attack." Basically, the bill collector had to take time to fend off the ever-growing list of people who joined in the "fun" of telephoning her. Funny, yes. Illegal, well, I just called my brother the lawyer and he said "yes" although your brother may have a different opinion, lol. Condoned by Creditnet, no. Good for laughs, yes. Good for incurring civil liability, probably. Doc
My point exactly, Randy. I wonder if Christi will even have the decency to apologize for calling my concerns in this regard "nonsense". Probably not.
Okay now I see LOL. I agree to a certain extent as well with Marci. I also think if you are going to look at this thread you have to look at all the threads, there is sooooo much going on these boards.
She never said that your concerns were nonsense.. She said it was nonsense for you to go on and on about it. She said if he wanted the thread closed he would. He did.
Oh wow - had no idea Marci was referring to that thread. Personally I thought it was funny but I didn't call. I was just patting PBM on the back for the advice and letters to assist in Operation 700 GT Of course, we can always kill their puppy. Saar
Christi didn't seem to personally attack you, but she (as well as I) felt there was overreaction to it. Why is it OK for them to call us 24/7 and we can't have a few laughs? Anyways, I suppose the topic is closed though I'm disappointed that pbm obviously listened to a few people whining. No one's participation was forced, and I had some laughs
LMAO Saar that was great! That about ties with the fun I had reading the collection ladies calls! Thanks
author_22, it's not about whining. Creditnet really could incur some civil liability if they allowed this board to become a place where people decided to organize themselves into cadres of prank phone-callers. The reason CAs can call you (and, no, they can't call you 24/7 without doing you the favor of letting you kick their butts in court -- you know better than that) is because collecting debts is their business. The truths are pretty simple: Debt collecting is a legal business. Sometimes, though, debt collectors do illegal things (like call during legally-prohibited hours or like refusing to validate a debt). The best way to get back at debt collectors who do illegal things is by using legal means (validation; estoppel; the courts). A dumb way to get back at these people is by breaking the law (prank phone calls; organizing others to break the law; outright harassment; etc.). I was one of the people who asked pbm directly to take a look at the thread in question and make a decision regarding Creditnet's potential liability. Frankly, I love this board, so I don't want to see Creditnet get into trouble because I want it to be around for a good long time. Now, you know that I enjoy a laugh as much as anyone (or, unfortunately for me, maybe even more than most people, lol). Organized harassment that endangers this board goes over the line, though, as far as I'm concerned, and I'm proud to stand up and say so. Doc
Doc, I wasn't accusing you of anything. You should know I have great respect for you My problem was the attacks made on Christi for her comments. She was no more to blame than anyone else. I understand possible liability, but those CA's break bigger laws each day. I know personally. When I was a kid, they'd call and threaten to have me taken away. What kind of sh!t is that?
LOL, author_22, I didn't think you did anything to me -- and of course we're friends. I understand your defending Christi (whose posts I always enjoy, by the way), but I was making a different point regarding the liabilities imposed by that other thread. Also, I agree with you that bill collectors do bad things; my point is that we shouldn't stoop to their level and begin breaking laws. Even better, we don't have to: we have the law on our side when they choose to violate federal codes. Doc