To: S.D. Aria Persona

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by slt, Dec 27, 2000.

  1. slt

    slt Guest

    I was reading some past post from you and I read that you applied for the Aria card and waiting for it. Did you get it yet? if so how long did it take for you to get it after you applied?
  2. S.D.

    S.D. Guest

    I haven't received it yet. I figure it should be coming by the end of the week, because of the holidays and all. Someone said that it takes about 2 weeks. I'll keep you updated =0)
  3. Kevin Yaeg

    Kevin Yaeg Guest

    I applied for my card and I got it within two weeks. They approved me for $500.00 unsecured with horrible credit.

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