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Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by robin, Jan 16, 2003.

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  1. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    I have reserved my comments on the current state of affairs but can no longer hold my peace. This is a most unfortunate turn of events. The value I have gained from this board has been both personally and finacially enriching to me in ways that I can not even begin to describe. The thing that made this board unique to me is that there were real live people here who knew what they were talking about and had the battle scars and credit scores to prove it. It was those people that gave me the confidence to tackle my credit situation. In a word these people gave me hope. Hope that I could achieve the American dream without having to wait seven to ten years because I made bad financial choices in my past. In short Creditnet is nothing more than the sum of it's parts. Those people who dedicate their time, experience and expertise to lift the next person up.This is not about veterans against newbies or veterans against moderators or any combination thereof. This is about people who have been there and done that helping those who are just starting out. With those people gone the credibility of this board is shot as it will simply become a forum of the blind leading the blind.

    For this reason I appeal to the moderators of the board to, as someones tag line reads "bend but not break". It is in everyone's best interest to revisit this situation and find a solution. I appeal to you, Butch, Fla-tan, Allen and Kaliban do not ignore this post. I trust that between the four of you there is enough insight to see that at the very least we should perhaps try to gather everyone together and reason this one out. Please do not allow this board to become a laughingstock of the trolls, CA's and CRA's as we have accomplished to do ourselves what we fought so diligently to keep them from doing. That is to let issues that are small in comparison to the big picture, divide us. I truly fear that is if this situation is not revisited they (trolls, CA's CRA's) will have finally succeeded in their mission to conquer us and to add insult to injury we will have done it to ourselves.
  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I agree with you Robin. It looks like the trolls, CA's, CRA's, etc. are the true winners of the "pissing contest" going on. They are the true winners and WE are the losers. Please resolve this issue. Charlie
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Congradulations on a well worded sensable and truthfull post.
    By running away it shows the true colors of those leaving.QUOTE]Originally posted by robin
    I have reserved my comments on the current state of affairs but can no longer hold my peace. This is a most unfortunate turn of events. The value I have gained from this board has been both personally and finacially enriching to me in ways that I can not even begin to describe. The thing that made this board unique to me is that there were real live people here who knew what they were talking about and had the battle scars and credit scores to prove it. It was those people that gave me the confidence to tackle my credit situation. In a word these people gave me hope. Hope that I could achieve the American dream without having to wait seven to ten years because I made bad financial choices in my past. In short Creditnet is nothing more than the sum of it's parts. Those people who dedicate their time, experience and expertise to lift the next person up.This is not about veterans against newbies or veterans against moderators or any combination thereof. This is about people who have been there and done that helping those who are just starting out. With those people gone the credibility of this board is shot as it will simply become a forum of the blind leading the blind.

    For this reason I appeal to the moderators of the board to, as someones tag line reads "bend but not break". It is in everyone's best interest to revisit this situation and find a solution. I appeal to you, Butch, Fla-tan, Allen and Kaliban do not ignore this post. I trust that between the four of you there is enough insight to see that at the very least we should perhaps try to gather everyone together and reason this one out. Please do not allow this board to become a laughingstock of the trolls, CA's and CRA's as we have accomplished to do ourselves what we fought so diligently to keep them from doing. That is to let issues that are small in comparison to the big picture, divide us. I truly fear that is if this situation is not revisited they (trolls, CA's CRA's) will have finally succeeded in their mission to conquer us and to add insult to injury we will have done it to ourselves.
  4. smontoya5

    smontoya5 Well-Known Member

    Excellent post Robin.

    Greg Fisher is probably reading all these posts with a huge smile on his face. Why? Because he achieved his desired results- The Creditnet Civil War.

    I agree with both sides on certain points of their arguement; some I disagree with.

    I originally came to this board after learning of it from another credit related board. The irony? I was much happier here due to the fact the knowledge base was so extensive. Now it's been depleted and although not dead, certainly not the robust lively board it once was. Perhaps CN can survive this but I don't think it's fair to effectively shut out this group of old timers by not allowing them representation as a moderator.

    We cannot turn our back on those who have cared and fed for Creditnet over the years. Put aside all the hurt feelings and it comes down to one thing- this group is upset because they have no control over the board that they've given so much to.

    Why not let this group elect one of their own and allow this person to become a 4th moderator?

    There has to be a solution here everyone can live with. We've been flanked, ladies and gentleman. Let's all join together and go back to what's really important- winning the credit war.
  5. Desdemona

    Desdemona Well-Known Member

    Thank You Robin

    I wasn't going to say anything on this issue but I too can't not hold my peace. I have gone as far as I can go on my personal credit journey, but I truly enjoy reading this board daily. I try to help when I can and I ask some questions every now and again but most importantly I store the wealth of information and knowledge I read on this board away in hopes to use it in the future. I have recommended this site to family and friends in need of credit help, why, I was proud of the board. I don't feel proud of this board anymore.

    To those who feel they have to leave, take a few days to cool off, give Creditnet a time out, take a warm bath and sing to your rubber duck, what ever it takes to get you back in the true mind set of the board: HELPING others with credit help, there are still thousands of us out there who need you.
  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    It doesn't matter lb why they left. That is not the way to resolve this issue. I picked a good/bad time to be away from the board for the best part of 3 weeks, and when I came back I was shocked to see such a great board with so much invaluable info spending so much time and effort to destroy itself. I have not read any of the posts that started the problem, and I don't intend to. Everyone has egos and with almost 6000 members the board will have growing pains, but to walk in to this problem it dismays me. Just think back, if you were away for 3 weeks and started reading some of the posts wouldn't you be shocked and maybe even pissed off? I am not taking sides or saying this side is wrong or that side is. I do hope that someone who does have some power over this board is "center brained" and can do the best thing for the board. I know that I can hit ignore and go on (I did it with that Okie mommy 2 or whoever), but this is with important people of the board not a useless idiot. I don't even know the members of the board that have left, except LKH. I'm not coming to LKH's defense, but I'm coming to the defense of the board as a whole to keep it the best credit board on the net. Not a board that the opposition laughs at but cringes at the knowledge that this board gives. I'll get off my soapbox. Thanks Charlie
  7. jdog0411

    jdog0411 Well-Known Member

    I agree, this situation must be resolved very quickly. Creditnet is only as good as the people who are part of the community. I too value creditnet far more than just an internet message board. The education that one receives here is more valuable than any college degree if you ask me, and it has just as much power over a person's financial well being.

    I came to creditnet almost a year ago, and through the great people I met here (including those who have bailed out like Lizardking, LKH, sassy, etc.) I took control and fought my way back to respectibility. I'm going to close on my new house in March, and that life event is very much a result of this board. Therefore, I am extremely disturbed by what has been happening recently.

    I will not leave creditnet, although I also disagree with how some of these issues have been handled, but I will stay and offer help to those who need it if I can.

    Hopefully the absentees will realize how much we value their contributions here. I think the respect of the creditnet members should outweigh the administrative policies of this board and its principals.

    Let's get this boat afloat again...
  8. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    Well all these people who've claimed to have left,of course are still reading the board though not posting.

    So if you're reading this, I dont think choice of moderators is a legitimate reason to leave..especially since the new moderators haven't even done anything bad yet.

    I'll bet you all have better reasons than that, and I wished you'd have said what they are
  9. takingchg

    takingchg Well-Known Member

    Ok, ok...newbie's $.02 worth here..

    A couple of things are certain:

    1) Most of us will never know what really went down to make some of the vets leave.

    2) We've got bigger issues to deal with than hurt feelings and egos. Our credit lives are being held hostage!

    Time to move on. They've left. They'll truly be missed...but focusing on what made them leave won't raise my FICO. There are thousands of us walking this journey. Time to do what we do best -- help each other.

    This board is very valuable. Heck, it may even interest the FTC when their official investigation begins into the CRAs and how they misreport important information. If I were an attorney, I'd be looking at CN to help build my case against the CRAs.

    What I'm trying to say in a long winded fashion is that this board allows us to talk about our credit issues in the open. With the way our society views someone with bad credit, we can't talk about it in public. We serve our credit jail term in shameful isolation. Thank goodness for CN. Now we can talk about it and realize one thing -- WE ARE NOT ALONE. Remember that. The board wasn't made up of a half dozen, rather it lives because of ALL OF US.
  10. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member

    You are forgetting a few veru important insights in your last post.

    Please remember who was giving out the valuable information to help the newbies, I assure you it was not other newbies.

    There are hundreds of years of credit experience on this board, by allowing them to leave, you are no receiving in justice in your fight against the CA's or the CRA's.

    If anything, their departure has weakened your stance against the companies who sent you searching for a forum like this.

    I am not saying that you are in servitude to the veterans, while on the other hand, they do possess valuable information which may set your credit life free.

    I have been around this board for a few years and the humble ones receive help, which results in impaired or perfect credit.

    Just MY .02 cents
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