Re: Re: Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>> too too funny..LOL You guys are hilarious. I swear I am not the puppy lady! This situation is straight from the twilight zone ain't it?! Anyway thanks everyone for responding I called the vet hospital and they told me they have my neighbors name in their files as the one who took the friggin' cat in for care. She asked me if I knew this woman and if I knew where she lives. I said yes, I know her, she lives a few doors down from me on my street. She asked me if I knew her address and I said I have my phone book right here and I'd be happy to look it up for you. I did and gave her Ms. Nibby Neighbors address. Looks like SHE will be getting the bill and I am off the hook. This part is for Butch This had been turned over to a local CA. I did not get the lady's name I spoke with but I know I could get that because she and I talked a long time about this account. She really did say that on a lot of occassions they NEVER send out any communications. Not even an initial communication. Seems to me this is not kosher...any thoughts on this? Bill....sorry about your computer problem Thanks again everyone Kathy
Re: Re: Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>> Well, if you really want a funny one go find my most recent post which ends with the joke about the American in Spain who went to a restaurant. Involves who lost the daily bullfight. Better have some good insurance because when you figure out who lost the bullfight and exactly what that delicious smelling meat was you will probably die laughing.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>> Maybe it's just my mood tonight, but this has got to be one of the funniest threads I have read on here in a long time. Thanks for the pick-me-upper.
Well could be...I really don't know. This particular CA uses 3 different company names. Each CR has a different CA name but they are one and the same. Tricky bastards. They may have other aliases that I'm not aware of.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>> The bullfight one is much funnier. But since you like lawyer jokes how about this one. This guy walks into a 2nd hand store and they got this real ugly statue of a rat. So he asks how much. $5 bucks replies the owner. I'll take it. said the guy. Alright, but don't you want the story behind it? Yeah came the reply. OK. That costs $100 Forget it as he takes the rat and heads out the door. Soon he notices he has hundreds of rats following him just like Pied Piper did so he heads for the river and tosses the ugly rat statue in the river and all the rats jump in after it to their doom. He goes back to the store and the owner says "I see you came back for the story after all." No, I came back to see if you might not have an ugly statue of a lawyer.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>> These are the details that are going to be discussed tomorrow when the billing manager at the Vet's office calls me back. I let her know what PCB told me about not sending out collection letters. she said "oh reeeeaaaallllly?" I told her I had no idea of it being in collection until I pulled the she said she would call me back tomorrow after she spoke to someone at PCB. Who knows..but I will insist on immediate deletion with no contingencies. Either I get a letter stating such tomorrow by 5pm or 8am the next day will find me at the court house filing suit.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>> Hey Butch: Have you ever seen that cartoon of the two buzzards sitting up in the tree in the desert? One says to the other "Patience, HELL, I'm gonna go kill something." (LOL)
The one thing that seems to be missing in this story, and in my opinion the MOST important question, is-- WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CAT?
Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>> I don't have the slightest idea....all I know is the bugger never came here to live. I would've remembered that considering I have 2 huge collies who would have "loved" a playmate. I have asked my husband this same question all day long. He says he does not remember and I say bull****! ...LOL...How can a person forget something like that?! Right now I am getting the silent treatment because I have asked him a zillion times today what possessed him to even GO to the vets office to pick up a stinkin cat that we didn't even OWN?! The last time I asked I think I may have raised my voice an octave or two? He's done some absent minded things in the past but THIS is one that I pray he doesn't try to top! God love him....and all his predicaments. All I know is I am SO DONE with this cat...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>> They are reporting on Equifax as Physicians Credit Bureau Experian: Rossman TU: PCB Here I was, at first, thinking I had 3 different companies to deal with..... I did an AG complaint query...33+ complaints!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Too Stupid For Words>>> If we don't get this cat matter resolved pretty soon the stupid cat will outlive you! (LOL)
OMG...LOL hey...knowing him he'd probably fly there...pick 'em up take them and have them vaccinated, spayed, neutered, declawed, bathed groomed and whatever else he could think of! Can a man be an airhead?!