FOR THE RECORD~~~only CLEAN socks go in the sock drawer...after they are in there...I'm not sure what happens...a couple of the cards are either EATING the sock lint or PREGNANT???
#1...PERFECT PAYMENT HISTORY SINCE 1978... #2...A lot of them were written in ALL CAPS because some people think it is YELLING although it has NOT been proved in a court of law, and NO law has been passed to prevent using them... #3...For the record...I have enough socks for one or two every day for a month...
Wow....I'm shocked I still was on the list. I haven't posted in a while. Been too busy taking up new hobbies since I was laid off 2/1. I'm no Martha Stewart, but I can make 20 dishes out of Mac -n- Cheese! Talk about poor man's food LOL....same goes for Top Ramen! I'll try to stop by more often. It's not like the old days where I had a desk job that allowed me to surf the internet all day because I had nothing else better to do (shucks!). Glad to see that all the *Old School* posters are still hanging in there. As far as my credit is concerned, this board is who I thank for contributing to my success. The only problem that I'm having currently is that Ford Credit is now reporting that my account is charged off owing $400 some odd dollars (as opposed to owing -0-). Remember they changed their entry on Experian to paid, never late? Well they changed that back to a negative entry. I feel as though I'll never win with them but at this point, I really don't care. I have all the credit I need. I have accepted the fact that maybe only time will fix Ford for good. Man, I hate that company...and just think, I almost ended up with a man whose last name was Ford. How ironic is that???
girl I am too mad at your for staying lost. you need to give me your email have SO many.
....and YOU have SO many AOL screen names! I got your instant message but I was out. Send me an email through here by clicking on my name. I don't want to post my address here. Sorry for staying lost.....lots of drama jumpin off in these parts! LOL...
KHM, did someone say "Doc"? Ok, this is another one of my lame tricks. Anybody can pull the list. Click on "Account" and then click on "Buddies" and then click on "Search" and then click on "Advanced" and then figure it out from there. To save you the trouble, though, here are the top 200 posters as of two minutes ago: x) User --- Date Joined --- Total Posts 1) GEORGE --- 03.28.2000 --- 9016 2) breeze --- 02.05.2001 --- 5583 3) lbrown59 --- 02.20.2001 --- 4584 4) roni --- 08.24.2000 --- 3497 5) sam --- 03.16.2000 --- 3085 6) Momof3 --- 03.19.2000 --- 3081 7) LKH --- 04.14.2000 --- 3079 8) bbauer --- 04.27.2001 --- 2728 9) Lizardking --- 02.13.2001 --- 2451 10) MP$40 --- 08.28.2000 --- 2357 11) Saar --- 06.20.2000 --- 2289 12) Nave --- 02.27.2001 --- 2251 13) Marie --- 03.20.2000 --- 2054 14) NanaC --- 03.18.2001 --- 2026 15) PsychDoc --- 06.07.2001 --- 1983 16) Erica --- 04.10.2000 --- 1906 17) Ron --- 03.17.2000 --- 1763 18) dogman --- 03.31.2000 --- 1737 19) Jim --- 03.16.2000 --- 1664 20) marci --- 10.03.2000 --- 1525 21) Dani --- 12.14.2000 --- 1467 22) KHM --- 10.12.2001 --- 1443 23) DaveLV --- 03.16.2001 --- 1361 24) mindcrime2 --- 11.15.2001 --- 1278 25) the other --- 10.09.2000 --- 1275 26) Christi --- 03.06.2001 --- 1239 27) Love --- 10.26.2001 --- 1229 28) creditwork --- 03.16.2000 --- 1117 29) whyspers --- 10.16.2001 --- 1069 30) tmitchell --- 06.08.2001 --- 1001 31) Ender --- 02.09.2001 --- 983 32) Bkev --- 08.09.2001 --- 976 33) Cyprigirl --- 05.28.2001 --- 885 34) leo728 --- 06.15.2001 --- 821 35) miles --- 03.17.2000 --- 807 36) author_22 --- 08.10.2001 --- 805 37) Pat --- 04.27.2001 --- 747 38) Mist --- 06.16.2001 --- 747 39) Shantel --- 01.11.2001 --- 744 40) godaddyo --- 04.28.2001 --- 738 41) MikeB --- 11.18.2000 --- 724 42) MartysGirl --- 04.28.2001 --- 709 43) dave --- 03.17.2000 --- 706 44) OtherTerri --- 07.07.2001 --- 696 45) uniondiva --- 10.16.2001 --- 689 46) Kittw1 --- 07.06.2001 --- 673 47) Reshod --- 06.02.2000 --- 670 48) Hal --- 02.15.2001 --- 665 49) Hope --- 05.15.2001 --- 662 50) charlieslex --- 11.10.2001 --- 654 51) Rina --- 12.07.2001 --- 644 52) chelechele --- 08.16.2001 --- 639 53) Donna --- 03.22.2000 --- 631 54) supershawn --- 07.07.2001 --- 620 55) matty61184 --- 07.01.2001 --- 619 56) Killer --- 08.07.2001 --- 599 57) mother2 --- 01.30.2001 --- 594 58) Mirage --- 03.26.2001 --- 591 59) steve --- 03.16.2000 --- 584 60) mj --- 08.15.2000 --- 582 61) Quixote --- 08.15.2001 --- 573 62) radiohead --- 01.15.2002 --- 562 63) molly --- 09.22.2000 --- 554 64) Crdt Dfnse --- 07.28.2000 --- 548 65) keepmine --- 08.28.2001 --- 534 66) Geo --- 12.20.2000 --- 525 67) bailey --- 06.14.2001 --- 522 68) ng --- 12.02.2001 --- 512 69) superadman --- 12.03.2001 --- 508 70) dlo64 --- 05.01.2001 --- 506 71) Ozzyburger --- 12.06.2001 --- 495 72) tom65432 --- 05.16.2001 --- 488 73) Hermit5 --- 11.14.2001 --- 485 74) G. Fisher --- 04.17.2001 --- 484 75) Doris K. --- 03.16.2000 --- 483 76) J. Edgar --- 03.15.2000 --- 476 77) Kelly --- 03.19.2000 --- 474 78) keltexx --- 05.01.2001 --- 474 79) sassyinaz --- 01.04.2002 --- 473 80) ohnostuck --- 10.25.2001 --- 465 81) javan --- 03.27.2002 --- 465 82) jamie --- 04.23.2000 --- 457 83) tommyy --- 05.22.2001 --- 454 84) betacredit --- 11.24.2001 --- 449 85) Andrew --- 07.24.2001 --- 444 86) JacquiG --- 03.21.2000 --- 439 87) Bill B --- 09.10.2001 --- 430 88) doodyhead --- 07.21.2001 --- 429 89) Mike --- 03.18.2000 --- 416 90) river --- 10.25.2000 --- 413 91) dfwgt --- 01.04.2002 --- 396 92) SisterGirl --- 02.27.2001 --- 389 93) RichGuy --- 07.05.2001 --- 387 94) Tuit --- 03.29.2001 --- 385 95) MikeG --- 08.14.2000 --- 379 96) donna8284 --- 09.06.2001 --- 361 97) jonesing --- 04.07.2001 --- 359 98) AnnMarie --- 02.27.2001 --- 359 99) judyputy --- 01.26.2001 --- 355 100) kit --- 02.16.2002 --- 352 101) Doug --- 04.20.2000 --- 350 102) brad --- 04.03.2000 --- 348 103) PSUgirl --- 03.25.2001 --- 345 104) Dancer --- 03.15.2002 --- 344 105) Brenda --- 11.28.2001 --- 337 106) milkmom --- 01.01.2002 --- 331 107) nursie --- 04.28.2001 --- 313 108) David --- 03.16.2000 --- 310 109) Jeff --- 09.10.2001 --- 308 110) Butch --- 05.02.2002 --- 308 111) Why Chat --- 01.27.2002 --- 301 112) soup --- 11.01.2001 --- 290 113) ShyGuy --- 10.02.2000 --- 285 114) erik776 --- 04.10.2002 --- 280 115) CardKid --- 04.15.2001 --- 278 116) Newcomer --- 08.16.2000 --- 276 117) newstdt --- 06.14.2001 --- 273 118) wolverine --- 02.14.2002 --- 273 119) Beaker --- 09.24.2001 --- 272 120) Kiyi --- 04.29.2002 --- 272 121) VJ --- 03.28.2001 --- 270 122) backspace --- 02.11.2002 --- 265 123) cariba --- 09.08.2001 --- 261 124) monij2000 --- 01.29.2002 --- 260 125) mike101 --- 11.24.2001 --- 254 126) Terry --- 03.29.2000 --- 253 127) EdG --- 06.26.2001 --- 250 128) greyfox --- 10.13.2000 --- 248 129) chriscraft --- 03.25.2001 --- 245 130) thomas --- 03.07.2002 --- 243 131) anna --- 10.08.2001 --- 241 132) Sorin --- 07.13.2000 --- 239 133) Chet --- 09.12.2000 --- 239 134) solzy --- 09.27.2001 --- 238 135) FeliceRodo --- 05.26.2001 --- 236 136) cherie --- 07.26.2001 --- 236 137) raiderpam --- 10.12.2001 --- 235 138) pbm --- 04.10.2001 --- 232 139) Laray --- 04.13.2001 --- 230 140) me --- 04.11.2000 --- 227 141) Illini --- 07.02.2001 --- 226 142) Cindy --- 03.18.2000 --- 224 143) Herman --- 07.26.2000 --- 224 144) KristyW --- 06.11.2001 --- 223 145) eddie --- 06.08.2000 --- 222 146) jaj1701 --- 11.15.2001 --- 222 147) romanduv --- 06.08.2001 --- 221 148) MiamiBlues --- 04.27.2001 --- 220 149) jshimmer --- 05.09.2000 --- 220 150) King --- 01.26.2002 --- 220 151) mindylou --- 06.17.2001 --- 218 152) $wealth$ --- 05.23.2001 --- 217 153) matt_r --- 03.05.2002 --- 215 154) fingrrrl --- 04.30.2001 --- 213 155) jfpruitt --- 06.19.2001 --- 211 156) lbowman --- 08.08.2001 --- 211 157) Dustin --- 01.09.2001 --- 210 158) GHONEYHONE --- 06.06.2001 --- 209 159) jason --- 03.23.2000 --- 208 160) drmgirl6 --- 10.21.2001 --- 207 161) kustomkat --- 10.02.2001 --- 206 162) ted75 --- 02.06.2002 --- 206 163) Candi --- 07.24.2001 --- 204 164) Melissa --- 03.17.2000 --- 203 165) amaineman --- 04.30.2001 --- 203 166) SEAN --- 05.02.2000 --- 203 167) bobbidk --- 11.14.2001 --- 202 168) Desdemona --- 12.13.2000 --- 201 169) neosmatrix --- 02.09.2002 --- 201 170) robin --- 02.27.2002 --- 201 171) Shirley --- 03.31.2000 --- 198 172) wajaba --- 10.10.2001 --- 195 173) LisaMc --- 03.15.2002 --- 194 174) Keller --- 03.28.2002 --- 192 175) curiouser --- 03.16.2000 --- 191 176) Marypc --- 02.22.2001 --- 191 177) Calmest_LA --- 01.11.2002 --- 191 178) Concerned --- 08.30.2000 --- 190 179) laurie33 --- 03.10.2002 --- 190 180) Fat Jake --- 04.27.2001 --- 189 181) Maer --- 05.03.2001 --- 188 182) Don --- 03.17.2000 --- 185 183) jsever --- 05.12.2001 --- 183 184) marvin --- 05.08.2000 --- 182 185) Karen --- 03.18.2000 --- 181 186) jmart --- 07.09.2001 --- 180 187) SofaKing --- 07.09.2001 --- 179 188) zip --- 10.19.2000 --- 177 189) kevinw01 --- 05.03.2001 --- 177 190) girl6 --- 02.12.2002 --- 173 191) Mark LA --- 04.17.2002 --- 172 192) kim --- 04.10.2000 --- 171 193) sweet21510 --- 01.05.2002 --- 169 194) girliegirl --- 12.10.2001 --- 168 195) cfand3boyz --- 03.05.2002 --- 168 196) Toothman --- 03.23.2001 --- 166 197) Becky --- 03.25.2001 --- 166 198) MT --- 05.13.2001 --- 166 199) gib --- 03.08.2002 --- 165 200) Aux --- 03.05.2001 --- 163 Hey, I'm #15! George needs to watch out! Doc
ROFLMAOPIMP....oh, hahaahah...made my sides hurt.... No, no, no George..I wouldn't, couldn't do such a thing
I nominate numnuts for The Person Whose Screen Name Cracks Me Up Every Single Time I See It. doodyhead is a close second.